Chapter 14

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Niall POV

So , we just came off stage from performing to thousands of fans in the venue , like every performance its life changing and magical - thanks to them we are where we are today and if they weren't here who knows if we would've got signed label with Simon within minutes when What Makes You Look Beautiful becoming a hit song.

We're clearly a fun bunch - our exit from the stage was pretty epic , our platforms where we come up on was fully opened for us to jump through and land on a safety mattress blow on the very bottom floor. You'll never guess the funny bit , I didn't want to jump down and I think it was either Liam or Louis who came back up and pulled me down making the crowd scream and laugh.  

"That was awesome ! ... probably one of the best shows since we started" Louis said shouting through the corridor's jumping up and down as we walk by to our dressing room.

"Louis! , how would you know that was the best show since we've started , we haven't even fully started the full on tour yet" I said laughing at him as he pulled the usual face of his. "Haha , okay okay it is" I said walking over to him putting him into a very brotherly headlock

"Get off me Horan or your so going to get it" he said trying to get out of my grip ... which was really tight he was acting "Your going to kill me Horan!" he laughed

"Haha very funny lets go mate" I said pulling him along still in a headlock.

"INCOMING!" I hear Harry shouting from not far away as i let go off Louis to turn around to see Harry being pushed around in a wheely bin by Paul "BIN BOY COMING THROUGH!" he shouts again making me crack up

"Hey Paul can i push him?" i asked still laughing as Paul stopped and stepped aside so i could push Harry into our dressing room which was only a few doors down now ... i wanted to scared Harry a little so i started running as i pushed him

"Faster Boy faster!" he said waving his arm in the air as his curly blew in the breeze

"I better slow down before you miss you destination sir" i said laughing and slowing down to a walking speed and turning the bin around and trying to open the door without assistance which failed at first till Liam opened it and screamed like a girl.

Ashley POV

Three days have passed , as Kevin stayed over since we took the exam on Tuesday to comfort me because of what happened with my dad not telling me the truth and not answering my question ... i smile how Kevin and i became a couple thanks to Niall - i could owe him for it but i need to find out the truth first.

"Ash! are you ready?" Kevin shouted from downstairs ... clearly he was waiting for me to be ready so we could get our results today .

"I'm just doing my laces i'll be right with you in a second!" i shout back from my room while doing my shoe laces of my newly bought Dc Martines i got not long ago.

"Alright , i'll wait in the car for you!" he shouted back i heard the front door open and close , i think he was driving today but who knows , i was just finishing tying up my other shoe lace as my phone goes up reminding me that i needed to unplug it.

I walked over to my phone to unplug it to see a message from Dad or shall i call him Uncle Stanley and Denise.

Denise : Haha guess what?! ... Mama got herself a pass in physics! xD oh yea!! I hope you pass as well *fingers crossed* High hopes girl

"Certainly is" he said laughing leaning over to kiss my forehead "Sorry if i scared the little life out of you but it was funny on the way you jumped" he said leaning back into his seat and reversing the car out the drive way and driving off to the campus.

My Unknown Brother (Niall Horan Fanfic) - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now