Chapter 25

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Ashley POV:

" I care about you , i care about you way more than Kevin does - i would follow you just to be with you" Luca says , staring into my eyes - roughly into my soul to see if i was melting at his words. "Infact , if you kept walking that way , finding a void and jumped init , i would grab you because i dont want to lose you" he did it , those words were like fire that burnt all the ice in me , warming me.

"I - i didn't know you cared that much about me" i say , struggling to find words - he continues to stare into my eyes as i do the same , a mixture of green and hazel - golden brown i could say , they were perfect it matches the sun set then lowers in the horizen not far from us.

"I was afraid to say , you were always that girl who would hurt someone back in high school when they tried to pinch your butt , you would smack them down until they gave up touching you with such sexual behaviour ... it was roughly the same in nursery." he says , true ... i did hurt people but i do like personal space , but i've matured a bit more and im enjoying the no space between me and Luca right now.

"You could've told me , i wouldn't have hurt you cause you were my friend - i couldn't careless , but if i did hurt you and you went to hospital , i would've been there at your bedside waiting for you to be awake and say your okay" i thought those words would have never come out my mouth , but then it did. He couldnt find a way to respond so he just smiles. "Just 5 months okay"

"I'll be waiting" he says , still having that smile on his face but wider.

"How she doing?" Niall asks , finalling reaching us - bending down to our level having all his weight head to his feet , with his hands crossing over eachother leaning in his knee , as he sits in a toilet position as we used to call it.

"She's doi-"

"I'm .. doing just fine Niall" i cut Luca off , i could speak for myself but i get what he was trying to do.

"I was worried about you , those words she said werent at all nice - i'm so sorry that i havent come to find you ealier" he adds with the fast talking , he's panicking.

"No , i'm totally fine with it .... Niall"


"Remember when we were 9" i ask and he nods smiling , im glad he remembers  "So?"

"You can come with me to Africa next year , visit the kids i met last year when i went with the lads , i already have it planned out" Niall says , this was me - it was me to make my other 50% shine bright and complete my life time goals that only come once in a lifetime.

Then , everything changes - the mood once again dies from a happy laughing enjoyable moment , to a blood sucking ass hole walking towards us with his fist balled up turning white on how hard he clenches , he could possibly rip of his skin with just his nails.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" He yells , crossing the road after a car passes by , he was angry a Luca - because i was close to his body and he was supporting it. "What do you thing your doing with my girl?" he yells again grabbing Luca by the shirt colour that was slowly drying from my tears. "I thought i told you to stay away from her!"

"Hey , hey Kevin back off - he was just making her feel better" Niall infers , placing his hand right in front of Luca's face preventing it from being punched , his fingers ball over kevin's fist his face was full of rage. "Let's not fight its not a good idea"

"Not a good idea?" Kevins replies instantly shoving Niall to the ground , as he lands at the hells of my feet , right now i dont have the power to stop this , i was shaking with fear more fear than i have ever had since the start. " I made it so simple to you when me and Ashley started dating , you agreed to it aswell , you said you'll stay away from her"

"We're not dating" i say with such an ease , still shaking - now i think im cold , because it was almost night , "I think its time for you to leave" i add

"Babe , what are you talking about" Kevin says , dropping Luca to the ground and walking over to me

"Don't ... touch me" i stand and move towards Luke , who seems pretty confused at what was going on , he stands there like a lamp post at night giving off light so it was possible to see as we walk or drive on the roads. I pull Luke's arm and walk him over to help Luca. " I think it's time to leave" i say again bending down to see blood flowing from Luca's cut lip.

"I'm not leaving until you tell me what you said" he says with a raised voice , angry was the key terminolgy for him.

"I said , We're not dating , GET OUT OF MY FACE!" i yell as loud as i can , i wouldnt give a shit if anyone heard me , he deserves this. "Come on Luca , let's get you home and fix you up , Niall you better get going to the court thing or your going to be late for it" i add standing Luca up , he stands on one foot as the other may seem broken.

"Here let me help you" Luke walks over , wraps one of his arms around Luca's waist as his arm lays on top of mine to make it seem less awkward that it was , but Luca didnt care right now as he was in pain so he had his other arm around Luke's neck , of course i couldnt help but laugh. "What?"

"Nothing" i say covering my mouth with the free hand

"Ashley Rose!" Luca says take the arm he just had around Luke and has it from an inch from my stomach

"Dont you dare Smith!" i scream with laughter as he starts tickling me as Luke does the same with the arm that was on top of mine, "Oh my god i hate you both!" i continue to laugh "We need to go come on!"

Niall POV:

Ashley , Luca and Luke were now on the way back to either Ashley's house she currently still shares with Uncle Stanley or to dads. But dad barely has first aid equipment at his , Greg and i have been complaining to him cause he needs to get one in case of an accidental accident. Ashley could find ways in dad's house to use to help Luca , due to her spending a month in medical school when we were roughly 14 , she learnt alot and helped alot thinking she hasnt helped anyone in her life.

"You should've have done that" i say, making my way to the hall of justice were the case will be taken

"He shouldnt have been touching her , i dont like people touching whats mine" he answers kicking rocks with his feet , following slowly behind me with his head down

"Ashley is human , she's not an object that you can play with , she isnt a doll you can just pull the string and it forgives you" I say " Forgivness needs to be earnt , you just lost her trust" i add walking faster

"I know she isnt an object , she makes me happy but then i make her unhappy" he says stopping , looking up as rain pours down , i stop holding Ashley's and Luca's gown and hat in my arm which i have to return for them.

"Then stop feeling for her , she doesnt need you - your never there for her but Luca is , including Luke you never cheer her up like they do , you never make her laugh like they do , what can you do to make her happy? .... Nothing" i say letting it all and walked off faster than before

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