Chapter 17

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Ashley POV:

After a night on tossing around and kicking away my duvet while I was asleep made me think more of this situation , a situation why I was never told about. I do my usual routine in the mornings to prepare myself for university , but this time It was me getting ready for university it was me getting ready for a match in 4 hours.

After getting all my stuff together I jogged down the stairs already in the home kit of Derby , I still see the orange and yellow flames alight in the living room as I walk in quietly to notice that Kevin was awake all night trying to figure something out for me - I walked over to the little cupboard near the TV and taken out a little maroon coloured blanket that matched our living room and covered Kevin with it so he wasn't cold , before I left him to sleep I kissed his forehead.

Denise POV:

I pace around my bright living room which was lit by sunlight coming through the window, in the corner of the room were the VIP tickets , green and white VIP ticket , which Niall said he would come and collect like 12 ish and like fucking hell its 1:30 and I have to leave cause its a 1 hour and half drive to our stadium , which includes the traffic.

I continue to pace around my living room looking around in areas of the living room that I never really noticed had a mouldy area , I should get that fixed and sorted one day when Im literally bothered to do some work for once. After stopping by in my kitchen getting some water there's a car beeping more than once as I walk out to check whats going on.

"What took you so long to get out and come?" Niall said leaning against a van near the drivers side , clearly he was the one beeping me

"What took you so long to get here , I mean you said 12 ish and what time isit?" I said sounding annoyed grabbing the tickets from my opened living room window

"Hey you cant really blame me , Paul wasn't going to let me drive his van till I literally had to plan to take this" he said walking over to take the tickets from me

"Yeah yeah whatever , I got 2 - these are the tickets , just show the woman in the booth thingy and she'll let you I-" I was cut off , cut off by Niall smacking his tender lips against mine - I have no clue why he was doing this

"Yeah , I know - thanks by the way" he said smiling as he pulled away walking slowly backwards to the van pulling his shades down and turning around.

I cross my arms shaking my head as he drove away , "Idiot" I said as I walked back into my house and grabbed everything I needed for the match today.

Kevin POV:

I woke up to see the fireplace put out and a lamp turned on , I slowly got up to noticed that I was covered in a maroon typed blanket , I must've fell asleep down here alone whilst Denise was finishing off her last bits on what she was doing including Ashley's bit - I run my hand through my browny blonde hair fixing it to the way it usually was , I never really liked doing my hair like all those bastards in uni

I get up and started walking around Ashley's house to realise that she left for the match , I looked at my rolex my mum got me for my 20th birthday to see that the time was 3:30 pm which means she left atleast an hour ago , after grabbing some breakfast from the fridge I went back to the living room , to finish what I was doing last night - to finish this problem and to help Niall solve this , what Bobby Horan did wasn't nice.

"Why would you do this Bobby" I said murmuring to my self quietly as I sat down on the soft carpet and shook my head , moments later I found a photo which was folded , a photo that had Bobby carrying  Ashley when she was a couple days old , I pulled on the photo to see another baby who looked the same , who looked like Niall in the arms of Maura the mother of Niall , in the photo there was no sign of Ashley's current parents Stanley and Jessica .

Your probably wondering who Jessica is and why Ashley never talked about her in anything neither did Stanley , she died whilst giving 'Birth' to Ashley - which finally comes to a conclusion that she didn't give birth to Ashley and that Maura did , Jessica must've died by giving birth to her child she had with Stanley , I asked Stanley about the other child by texting him on the phone Ashley left , he said they died together and there was no chance of saving either them.

"Why did you keep this from her?" I asked

"I had to do what I had to do , I wasn't the main person behind this - it was Bobby" he said answering in a way that made him sad

"Why did bobby do this then?" I asked again

"Because , Greg was around 4? or something and having to handle greg aswell was enough - so they kept Niall , he said when their old enough we would tell them but they found out themselves" he said sniffing

"You don't understand what could've have happened , if Niall didn't know nothing about Ashley - like not knowing they were related in a way , do you know where that would've gotten Niall?" I asked another question as there was no answer and silent cries , "He would've asked Ashley to be his wife... this isn't right what your doing"

"I know , but im sure enough she will accept I-"

"ACCEPT WHAT?! the fact that her biological father didn't want her or that she was too much!" I said raising my voice "You need to have a word with your brother and that's final" I said hanging up collapsing on the couch

Ashley POV:

This is it , im one step closer to my dreams and one step further from finding out who my real father is , I cant stand this - I walk into the changing rooms at 4:15 , noticing someone I wasn't hoping to see waiting infront of my locker sitting on my chair.

"Ashley look" he said standing up once he noticed me and walked over to hug me as I backed away , "Ashley im sorry"

"Why?! why are you here?" I said feeling tears forming underneath my eyes

"Im here , because I need to tell you something" he said

" What that your my biological father who didn't want me in his life?" I said feeling the tears drip slowly down my face , "Or maybe its the fact that you only wanted boys , haven't you hurt me enough through this lie I've been living" I said dropping my sports bag on the floor

"Look! Ashley , I didn't want to separate you both in the first place - it wasn't any choice , with Greg also in our hands there was gonna be trouble , love I didn't mean anything bad to happen - I just handed you over to Stanley to look after you for a while until both you and Niall were 3 , I wanted you back then but Stanley said no , that he wanted someone in his life now that Jessica was gone" he said

"You could've said that , it pains me that you never told us - neither of you did! , since Niall became famous and since I graduate soon you decide to tell us now" I said wiping the tears with my long sleeved football shirt

"Im sorry I didn't mean it to happen to way it happened , now - how about we spend a real father and daughter day after you win that match for the girl derby fans who are also boys for us" he said as I nodded walking over to him hugging him tightly " I wont do this again I promise"

"you better" I said feeling the tears flow down my red puffy cheeks again

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