Chapter 15

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Ashley POV:

I finally did it! , I've now got a degree in Physics and this could be the time I finally get the same job in the same industry as Niall ... I was planning to join the music business for a long time since Niall became a well known lad since 2010. But im proud of myself , I have my graduation ceremony in a week and I will be joining Niall after that.

I walk out the department for the last time , taking in a deep breath. "Im going to miss this place , especially the sports field" I said as Kevin walked out the door behind me

"I'll miss this place too , but we can come back to visit - I hope" He said looking around , "I remember the day you pushed me to join the football team the first day we started university"

"But look where it got you!" I said laughing and walking off

"Yeah , and that was all cause of you , I wouldn't have gotten so far in life if it wasn't for you pushing me towards the things I wanted to do and be in life" He catching up to me , "So ... how are we going to find out about the family situation"

"Im not really sure - find possible chances of clues leading towards it? I guess?" I said stopping "Or ask Dad ... my real biological dad"

"But will he give you the information you need - I mean he did hide it from you" he said

" What else was he supposed to do? - sit there and cry his eyes out all night and never say a thing then suddenly proves it" I said becoming more frustrated

"Hey , im sorry if I made you mad"

"No , im sorry I shouldn't have gotten that rude" I said walking over to where he had stopped

Niall POV:

For the past 2 hours after the last performance in Mullingar I went out the venue for a breather , wondering and debating whether to try work things out between Ash and I .. wondering If could forget the being cousins bit and became the actual family we were meant to be.

After pacing around a couple times , I walk back inside to find Louis - he was normally skateboarding around the halls but he wasn't this time .. so the first place I checked was the movie bit where I found him skating towards the popcorn and snatching it from its little tray.

"Lou" I said walking in and closing the door behind me

"Yeah Niall" he said turning around on his skateboard and riding over to me with the popcorn still in his hands.

"I need your help ... I need to know how to tell and prove to Ashley that we're twins" I said looking directly at my feet feeling more confused than I have ever been.

"Why don't you try getting the key off your dad and handing it over to Ash during her graduation next week when you go , maybe she would believe you if you gave it to her saying it was the key to the room" Louis said stopping the skateboard infront of me

"Yeah and how am I supposed to get the key? he's always out , plus most of the time when he is free hes gone to Greg's to mind Theo" I said looking back up to see Louis now looking at me

"Hey , you can still try .. or simply ask your brother tonight - hes coming to visit you in the hotel" he said putting a hand on my shoulder as I nod

We were now leaving the venue for the last time as everything was being loaded on to different vans that would be driven straight to America for us while we have the 4 days to get there. We were all now getting into our van which takes us back to the hotel and where we pack all our things up for the flight in 2 days.

Once we arrived to the hotel , we went to our rooms and packed up all our stuff and kept out the things we needed packed into our carry on's , we all know some of the guys out of the 9 of us wouldn't bother changing our clothes everyday and no names would be mentioned in this 5SOS! ... what? that isn't a name don't judge me

There was a knock on the my room door , which I was busy packing my stuff Luke went to open it. "NIALL" he screamed walking past my room door and walking into his room to finish off his little packing up. I stop folding a shirt and put it on the bed and walked out my room towards the living room

"Hey there Mate" Greg said to me turning around from where he was standing

"Hey , what you doing here?" I said sitting down and patting the seat next to me

"Just here to say goodbye cause I wont be able to see you within 2 days and dad told me you found out about the you know" he said sitting down besides me

"Yeah , he kinda left it open - I was wondering if you could give me the keys to the room so I could use it whenever i want during the 2 days i have left here" i lied i was going to give it Ashley

"Yeah sure i have two anyway" he said reaching into his pocket and taking his keys out taking one strange looking key which looked the same as the one it was next to and handed it over to me , as a door closes down the hall.

"Hey Greg ... Niall i'll be back later im just going to do a little run tell Paul not to worry" Zayn said walking towards the door and walking out as i simply nodded

I play with the key in my hand for a while , soon noticing Greg had gotten up and left , i must've have been daydreaming , but how could i have responded to him when he left i could've just nodded and waved like i would usually do ... i get up and walk over to my room and plan what i was going to where tomorrow and how i was going to hand over the key to Ashley.

Ashley POV:

I got home as I quickly went upstairs to grab all the pictures I had as a child , including the ones in the frames - dad put them in for me , so there could be more messages behind them like the one with me as a baby in dads arm where he explain where he took me away from Niall and that he didn't feel right about it.

Meanwhile , I was still collecting all the pictures in my room since i had a whole wall full of pictures , Kevin was downstairs looking through the pictures above the fire place for any sign of information towards our separation as kids which i still don't believe is true.

Denise: Haha your first!

Me: I know , cant wait to graduate  *pumped*

Denise: Me too!

Me: Hey , could you come over to help with the family thing again ... Kevin's over to help as well - i really need all the help i can get

Denise: Sure thing im on my way

Me: Thanks

After sending the message to Denise i picked up the box which i had all the pictures in and took it downstairs and into the living room to see paper scattered all over the floor.

"Their mnemonics , every sentence has a letter that links to whatever it is , check it out" Kevin said handing me a piece of paper as i place the box by him.

Ashley Rose Horan & Niall James Horan Were S 

"What does the S stand for?" i asked becoming confused

"I have no idea but I've looked through all those pictures and there was no other letters leading towards it" he said pointing to the pictures above the lit fireplace put back neatly in its frame and in order.

"We need to find them through all these pictures ... Denise will be here in a bit to help us" i said sitting down on the floor beginning to search thoroughly and carefully at the back of the pictures. 

My Unknown Brother (Niall Horan Fanfic) - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now