Chapter 24

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Ashley POV:

All I need is right now , is to let my anger out - which clearly i have been holding in the whole time she was here. I think walking away from everyone would be the perfect idea for me to have sometime alone , this day was supposed to be a good day , better than the usual days. There's a part of me , a part of me that want's to run into a hardware store and grab a knife and stab her with it based on what she's done.

I mean , not everyone is perfect - but its infinate that everyone can be equal as one , you see in the world there people suffering , people fighting to save lives and those who change lives for the better , like Niall - he changes lives everyday , just by being him , the little werid one who makes people smile with just a single smile of his own. That bring's it all to me , am i doing anything for the better?.

I look up to Niall , though he's my little brother - by two minutes , it's like he was meant to be the older one but popped out last. I could someone's life in a way that it would make their's better than suffering all the time , but im nowhere there , not even a step close to it. By now i was sitting under a regular old tree , large , wide and shady , i remember sitting here 3 years ago - when i was all alone until i met Denise and Laura.

*Flashback 11 years back*

"Niall , what do you want to be when your older?" i ask , sitting besides him holding a football.

"What make's you want to know?" he asks looking at me smiling.

"Because, i might see your future - i can see it , you'll be in a band or something" i say , smiling back at him

" A band?" he asks , i nod simply as an answer. "I'll tell you what , that might be what i want to be - you know , it's a talent that we have inside us , music is mine and i want to be a singer somehow in way i can achieve it , you get what i mean?" he says , now laying down on the hot grass.

"Yeah" i say back

"I hope to make those lives out there who are troubled much better , like the kids in africa or india" he adds "How about you?"


"What do you want to do when you grow up" he asks

"Complete school..."

"Is that all?" he asks again

"I want to help the unfornate in a way , after graduating of course"

"Then someday , you and i can partner up and work together" he says , sitting up.

*End of Flashback*

Just remembering the past , makes me tear up - everything links to the present day , Niall met his goal ... now he's that well known international or celeb guy across the world. He achieved it all , me just 50% of it - if he remembers what we said under that tree in dad's garden 11 years ago , i would be happy to know he remembers the younger me.

"Ash?" A voice calls , but i cant catch who it is - through all the crying and sniffling i couldnt barely hear a single tone or remembrance of a voice. "You okay?" the voice says again , making me looking up but my sight is blurry , i nod. "If your fine you wouldnt be crying" the voice says again , the person that owns the voice sits besides me pulling me to their shoulder.

"Why is everything hard for me?" i say crying at the same time.

"Not everything is hard for you , everything's harder for me - people see me as the boy who gets told off by his mother in public , who has a mother that's a complete alcholic drunk to cover her pain" i recognise the voice , due to the way the mother is represented.

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