Chapter 19

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Niall POV:

I enjoyed the rest of the first half , the reason for enjoying it was because that it was 3-1 already , Derby in the lead , i couldnt be more proud for Ashley leading a team to where it is right now - number one girl team in the UK and Ireland , unless thats what i think it is i never really keep up to date , all i know their in the top 10.

"Niall , uh this might be a bad time for your uncle over there" dad leaned over to me and pointed to Uncle Stanley , who wears black and wears shades that cover his eyes , he leans against the sub box with his hands in his pockets.

"Uh? , Not to be rude or anything why does he look like a piece of samon?" i asked rasing and eyebrow seeing his skin changed into a lighter orange.

"Niall , go create a diversion boy!" he slaps me on the back of my head lightly as i rush down the stairs jumping over the rails as if i was doing parkour. He still waits leaning against the sub box tapping his feet to the ground.

"Samon" i say to myself quietly as i walk over to him  , "Hi Uncle!" i said making him jump , didnt really expect that to happen , well YES! IM SCARY!

"Hey Nialler!" he said tussling my perfectly made quiff

"Hey i spent hours making it look that good" i said running my fingers through my blonde hair trying to get it back into its usual style - i notice the teams gathering up behind Uncle Stanley. " Hey , i have a problem with the van - i was wondering if you know how to fix it?" i asked trying to sound like  i wasnt stalling or anything.

"What's seems to be the problem with it?" he asks crossing his arms over his defined chest , must have been working out eh?

"Breaks , their like stiff" i lie , but it wasnt a full lie - it was true. He nods and walks infront of me , wow who knew i could stall , i walk slowly behind him , "Ooh my laces!" he look down at my shoes knowing that i tripped over behind him .

"Toss me the keys , you can take your time tying your laces , since i know you took ages with them and i hate wasting time cause i need to talk to Ashley before i have to leave again." i toss my keys over and he walks off , i dont know if it was adrenerline running through my mind but i was liking this.

"Niall?" a familiar voice says "What are you doing down here? arent your supposed to be up in the stands with dad?" Ashley i knew it

"Uh, Uncle Stanley was here , i uh had  to stall him for dad" i said getting up , but looking at my untied laces , Ashley bent down by me and tied up my laces for me.  "Thanks"

"Hey , its like when we were kids" she laughed , but after a moment or so her mood changed , "Why was he here?"

"Dunno" i said

Clearly i did know , He was here to admit something to her though its already happened , unless there was another problem - i must have learnt something along the lines of my family as i grew up , many lies were made ...

Kevin POV:

I dont really have a clue what was going on , why am i still at Ashley's , but not long ago her father was here , he was like did you stay over and do you know where ashley is? i need to tell her something about Marie. Of course i didnt tell him where she was , cause im not that type of person to give away someone else location and time.

"Hi Ash what's up?" i answered my phone , knowing that it would be Ashley giving out news on the match and what tatics would be used and if there was a problem with what their discussing she would ask me.

"You must be that bitches boyfriend" a sinister girl voice speaks from the other end of the phone , "You clearly dont like her cause shes a slut"

"Who the heck are you? and why on earth have you got her phone?" i stood up , i could feel some pain flow in through my chest. "Plus you might want to watch that rotten mouth of yours"

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