Author's Note:-

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Hey Guys!

Sorry this is not a chapter, but i have started book 2, which is the more updated version of this series, please make sure you check out that book if you love this book. Also, i would like say that i'll be entering this book into the Watty Awards 2014. So, those who love this book please nominate and vote over Twitter/Facebook if you have an account. It will make me happy as this is the first book i have entered since i joined.

Thank you to those who are going to nominate this book, i wont let you down towards the future with the other books that i write! :)

Make sure you check out the second book to this series "Catching The Light" for more on Ashley and Niall's life, make sure each chapter limits to 35+ reads for an update

My Unknown Brother (Niall Horan Fanfic) - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now