Chapter 11

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Ashley POV:

After waiting for a while in the traffic - I reached home within 30 minutes. Once I reached the front of my house , well I was going to park it in its usual spot but I cant cause someone else's car is there - I have no idea who's though. I grab my stuff from the boot and walk to the front door to open it. I forgot something but I wont remember what I forgot until Im reminded.

I walk to the doorstep to open see my front door that was a jar opened as I pushed it opened. "Hello?" I said walking in to my house feeling worried that someone might have broken into my house. Suddenly someone jumping infront of me frightening the life out of me. "Oh Denise don't do that!" I said recognising the face.

"Cant I have fun?!" she said with her hands now on her hips

" No - you scary!"  I said with a child tone

"Did you forget something? cause I called you like a moment ago before I heard you close you car door" OH right I forgot my phone in the cabinet , as I turn around and drop my back on the floor and open the front door and walked towards my car and take my phone out. My phone wont disconnect from the hand free device unless if I start the car.

As I got into my car and started the car , I leaned over to the cabinet and opened it unplugging my phone from the plug , soon seeing what looks like a sheet of paper with words on , it wasn't my handwriting , and the only person that has been in my car this month was Niall , so It could've been him.

I lean back into the seat and begin reading the note/letter I had found in the place where I plug in my phone.

Kevin POV:

After the match was finished everyone went back into the locker rooms to get changed or have a shower and then they would be able to leave as soon as they want. Once we reached the locker room - everyone was told to sit down by our coach.

"Alright lads , have a seat I have something very import to tell you" Coach said coming in after us as everyone gathered around an area sitting infront of our lockers with our numbers on them.  "Right - i'd to congratulate you lads on the match today" after saying that everyone cheered.

"But - that's not all , you lads have done Derby proud ! , but sadly this is my final day with you lads but it was a pleasure working with you guys - if you need any advice you can always find me coaching the girls." he said as the emotions changed in the area.

"Hey , we still have him working in Derby FC - we can still see him when we come training" I said standing up as everyone nodded " this isn't the end for coach anyway"

Niall POV:

"Where are we going Paul?" I asked sitting in my seat slouching a little.

"To get you lads to the venue and take you around so you know the way round and don't get lost along the way"  He said looking into his drivers mirror

"Couldn't you just give us a map im sure we would find our way around the venue" Louis added speaking loudly from the back of the van so Paul could here him.

"There's no point of a map - you will be doing 6 shows in Mullingar then you lads are off to America" he said keeping his eyes on the roads.

"Do you think its alright when you tell someone like a cousin who you thought was your actual cousin but actually your unknown twin , that you told them about the separation at birth as you were told not to say a word about it by your dad?" I asked without a single breath trying not to cause an awkward moment.

"I think it would be weird - I mean if you were told not to say a thing to the twin , you shouldn't - It would technically take at least a week or so for the person to find out after you have by certain emotions by family members or possible blow outs" Liam said looking at me , he's always be that know all since we were put together.

"Know it all" Everyone unisoned

"What I just know it okay , your jealous you all aren't smart like I am" he said

"What's 1 + 1 then?" Louis said putting his arms on the back out the seat of me looking at Liam as all eyes looked towards to him

"2 duh" he said as if it was obvious , it wasn't 2 it was a window of course

"Nope! its a window!" Louis exclaimed with triumph

"How ?! logics show its not possible to have 1 + 1 as a window"

"Your not just smart like me Liam don't be jealous" Louis said making everyone laugh. 

Ashley POV:

I sat there reading the note over and over again , not believing a thing that was said - I knew it was from Niall , I cant be true , is it even true? - if it was why would our parents keep this away from us? there could be a possible explanation behind this right?. I was pretty confused on what he was trying to say ... was he trying to say that we were twins , twins that never left each other and loved to do every single thing with each other. Is he trying to say we were twins?!

Hey Ash ,

Your probably reading this right now , your probably wondering why im writing it and why I aint saying it to you in person , dad said I couldn't say a thing to you ... but I have no choice - I couldn't keep this dark secret that has been kept from us for almost our whole life.  Your probably thinking what im rattling on about right now.

Well here it is , when I said I needed to use the loo , after using the loo I saw that behind the blacked looked door , were millions of photo's of you and me as kids  ,as toddlers and in my mums arms in the hospital.

If you don't believe me I fine with that - but dad told me , that's why I wanted to leave early but your my twin

I read it once more , but I don't get it I literally didn't get it. After the exam im going to visit him to see if this what he is saying to me through this writing is true - if it was real and what I could do about it. Is my dad actually my father or is Uncle Bobby my father.

"Come on Ash ... don't think about this now and think wisely for the exam you can do this" I said to myself opening the door to get out and taking the key out the ignition , still clutching on tightly to the note I lock the car door and slowly walk toward my house instantly running up to my room as soon as I get back inside.

"Hey As- " Denise said as she saw me run into the house , well your probably confused how she got into the house , she has the spare keys as well you see - only Kevin , Denise , Laura and Uncle Bobby had the spare keys.

I quickly get into my room closing the door behind me and leaned against the closet wall and slid down to soon hearing someone quiet knocking on my door - I slowly burry my head into my arms with were wrapped around legs and started being confused

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