Chapter 2

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Niall POV:

We weren't far off from landing in Mullingar , I cant wait to meet my family once again especially cousin Ashley - The plane was alright as usual , not that im complaining about the pros and cons about it , but they should really have a door that has a lock on the door to stop celebrities getting flash mobbed by fans that are on the same plane. I never usually get enough sleep during tour due to the amount of stuff I have to do to prepare for the concert on the bus and sign things and stuff you wont understand - I thought I would get the time to sleep during the whole plane ride back to Mullingar , but sadly I didn't ; Louis and Zayn were up to their usual shenanigans with the 5SOS lads pranking Liam and Harry I had to stay awake to be sure they don't draw on my face like they would normally would.

"This plane is about to land in Mullingar , Ireland - thank you for you service and loyalty" The flight attendant said , after he finished I kind of started partying inside my head while looking out the plane window seeing the airport down below and smiling.

"Hey Niall , look what I did to Harry" one of the lads from 5 seconds of summer said , what I saw is that Harry has a unibrow and a clearly well drawn moustache on under his nose , with a little funny phrase on the side ' I like dicks' as I crack up laughing at Harry

"Haha , nice one Mike!" I high fived him as the plane landed in its little runaway as what some people call it.

"Boys, get your stuff the staff is letting you guys get off first because we need to get you lot to a hotel , get rooms for you and get you to a photo-shoot" Paul said opening the door to the first class area , as we all nodded and began to gather all our stuff which has some how spreaded across the whole area  - "And wake those to up and make sure you keep that on Hazza's face it looks funny" Paul added  as everyone burst out laughing which woke Liam and Harry up from their deep sleep.

"What? ... Whoa Harry ... Wha-" Liam stretched and turned to Harry seeing what was drawn on his face and began to laugh

"What? ... isit my hair? ... you didn't straighten it did you Zayn?!" I laughed falling to the floor , every time we do a prank on him he always thinks of his hair first - he's like Zayn when he used to have a serious obsession with mirrors and himself.

"Nah man , Lou wont give me the straighteners - like I said she didn't give em to me" Zayn says trying to clearly hold his laugh in by putting his hand over his mouth , while Ashton (5SOS's drummer hid the pen in his back- pack) making me laugh again.

"Nialler! , did you do this Mr?" Harry said as all eyes turned to me

"Psht , since when did I start doing pranks on you Hazza? " I defended myself like I would normally do

"True , he doesn't" everyone unisoned packing their stuff in their bags , Paul and the crew got off before us to collect our bags for us , we waited for each other to be done with what they were doing and stepped off the plane. "Thank you One Direction and 5SOS for joining us on this ride to Mullingar" the pilot said as he shook each one of our hands and walked down the stairs and walked into the airport followed by little shoots of cameras by the pap's.

"Boys over here!" Paul called us , he was already standing near the exit with all our suitcases and stuff on different trolleys as we walked over , while greeting some fans that have came to visit. I went first after Liam and Zayn to my trolley with my stuff on and pushed it outside to one of the 3 huge private vans outside the exit and left it there for the guys to put it into the back for me as I got into one of the vans and sat at the back and got out my phone and sent a text to Ashley.

Me: Hey , Ashiee - im in home ; the lads are dropping me off at the hotel and then a photo - shoot then I will come to see you

Ashley: Yay ! , I cant wait to see you again cuz!

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