Chapter 16

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Niall POV:

"Niall?!" I hear someone call me but I ignore "NIALL!" the person shouts soon to simply slap me out of my thought , "Dude , Your freaking phone is ringing again!"  I looked a Luke trying to regain my sight , "Sorry about that by the way"

"Nah its fine man - is Zayn back?" I said standing up scratching the back of my head

"Nah .. where is he?"

"Said he went for a jog or something - its like 3:30am and he isn't back?"

"He could be with Perrie and Little Mix"

"True ... Well im off to sleep now night" I walked off to my room pulling the suitcase with most of my stuff in onto the floor and closed it sticking the rest of my stuff on top and getting in to sleep.

Luke POV:

"Night Mate" , I couldn't really be bothered to sleep - so I sat down on the coach to find something next to where I sat and picked it up. "This must be Niall's" I said to myself holding a key up then setting it on the coffee table and shrugging.

Calum: Luuuuuukeeee

Me: What?

Calum: Luuuuuuuukeeee

Me: WHAT?!

Calum: Are you still awake?!

Me: No im dead ... of course im awake!

Calum: Wanna play fifa?

Me: Yeah sure - my room?

Calum: Sure i'll bring the game console

Ashley POV:

"Hey Kevin" I said noticing a couple letters behind one of the pictures of Me and Greg when we were younger

"Yeah?" he said looking up from a photo album he was looking through

"Does this conclude to the full word of the S in what you found earlier?" I said handing the picture over to Kevin

"Wait let me check it out first" he said grabbing the piece of paper which had the written word he wrote down. As the door bell rang.

"Im coming!" I said moving the box off my lap and onto the carpet getting up then walking to the front door.

"Sorry I took long brother's being a pain in the ass" Denise said coming in closing the door behind her as she followed me into the living room "Woah , looks like we have a lot of work to do - what have you guys found out so far?"

"Well .. Kevin found some mnemonics on the back of some pictures making up a sentence - which says that me and Niall were something that begins with an s but he's solving the piece that I have found right now" I said sitting back down where I sat

"I just don't understand - it Bobby was your biological father , why did he separate the both of you and why could he not have told you early I mean your almost 21 and its a bit obvious that you kinda share a birthday with Niall" Denise said sitting down besides be and taking a photo album from the box

"Yeah , that's right - you guys were born in the same hospital , almost the same time and the same day - there is a possible chance you actually be twins because what you just gave me says Separated" Kevin said handing me the piece of paper

Right now , if we don't find the truth behind all this - I don't think I will go with Niall anymore , I need to know the full story first to fully believe what my family is doing and was it right to do it to both me and Niall. But I have made my decision ... for now I wont be going with Niall - but hopefully he would come to my graduation in a couple days.

My Unknown Brother (Niall Horan Fanfic) - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now