Chapter 12

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Niall POV:

After a couple minutes of driving to the venue ... we finally arrived right outside the venue to already see fans lining up and waiting outside putting up tents and rolling out their sleeping bags across the squared floors. As our private van drove up - fans ran towards us , trying to look through the windows to see if it was us.

"Right , Boys you stay here for a second - im just going to get more security out to help you guys get into the venue , remember to lock the door" Paul said to us looking backwards as we simply nod - Liam leaned forwards over the drivers seat after Paul got out and pressed the locked button.

"Isn't it crazy how we used to never be the worlds biggest boy band but we here we are - the biggest boy band since the Beatles"  Louis said opening his window a little bit for some fresh air to come into the van that had became heated quickly

"Yeah - we're all living our dreams" Harry said looking out his window at the very back and waving the fans that have gone up to his window to say hi to him.

"Niall ! Niall!" I heard my name being called from one of the opened windows as Liam rolled his window down as fans screamed at the sight of Liam and I right infront of them. "I love you Liam and Niall" I heard once fan managed to scream from probably far at the back.

I sat there waving to everyone until security came through telling them to move to one side and clear a path for us so we could just walk straight into the venue's front entrance. Everyone rolled their windows back up as I leaned over the drivers seat to unlock the car ... While Liam got out the van before everyone else did I grabbed my duffer bag that Paul must've brought in for me and got out to hear a load of fans calling my name.

"Niall! I love you !" I heard being repeated more than once - it was like a slinky going down the stairs with a flow. As I waved to everyone who were out there screaming as I walked closer to the entrance to see they have put up them little metal things that keeps the fans back while also seeing the security trying to keep it upright.

"Niall make your way into the venue straight away - i'm going to allow you lads at least 10 minutes with the fan signing stuff and having photos taken alright" Paul said stopping me as I nodded "NIALL!" I heard my name being called by a fan at one of the stands as I walk over to greet them.

Ashley POV:

The light knocking the door began to knock again but I ignored it - I began to cry as everything started to flow through my mind on how I have been living a lie for 19 years. But what is the possible chances on knowing if what Niall is saying is actually the truth - what if it is the truth what am I going to do with myself?

"Ash? You alright ?" I hear Denise's voice from the other side of my room door , hearing someone else's voice stopped me from crying ... I wiped the tears off my face as I stood up to open my door slightly to let her in. "Hey why are you crying?" she said walking into my room and closing the door.

"Its Niall" I said sitting down on my bed , wiping the tears away from under my eyes - I could see the expression on Denise's face after I wiped it clean of my tears.

"Why Niall what happened between you both ... I thought you two loved being together and never left each other since you we're kids" She said walking over to me and sitting beside me on my bed whilst pulling me into a hug.

"We do ... Its just Niall apparently found out from his dad and the room we weren't allowed to go in as kids - he found out we were twins" I said trying to hold in the new formations of fresh new tears.

" But isn't that great news?" she asked me rubbing my back , knowing that calms me down a bit

" It is .. but the problem is if we are why were we separated and why weren't we told - I could be living a lie" I said pulling away from the hug and opening the drawer near my with photo's of me and Niall in the same clothing .. "I thought our parents put us in the same clothing for a little joke around - but I could be true" I said handing it over to Denise

"If his parents are actually your parents - they must've had a problem separating you both , we all know you did everything together , Bath , dress , shop and go every where together" Denise said looking through the pictures

"But I would've remembered everything that happened but I haven't" I said now playing with my fingers.

"You both were separated probably at this date" Denise said looking at a picture of just me and my dad , IF he was ACTUALLY my DAD , "There's only you ... that's when you were separated from Niall , can I take this out the frame?" she said as I nodded , she probably was getting onto something right now.

I sat there for a moment thinking of everything ... everything that could've possibly happened if Niall and I were twins and weren't separated ... that my dad now was uncle and uncle bobby was actually my dad.

"Hey Ash , read this" Denise said passing over the photo she took out the frame with writing on the back. "Haven't you seen this before" I shake my head and being reading the fine printed handwriting of my dad's.

I don't feel right by doing this to Niall and Ashley ... but today I have decided to take Ashley in as my child when Bobby and Muara decided to separate them ... I think this is very wrong - but their bound to find out anytime soon when their older , probably in their mid twenties. But if Ashley finds out that she's 3 minutes older than her twin brother Niall and find this note on the back of this picture ... im sorry Ashley I had to do what my brother said.

"He was behind this" I said ... " He knew about this but haven't dared to say a word to me about it"

"But this could be a fake note , if you want to know more about if your really Niall's sister your going to find more evidence towards this ... but you cant let things get to you right now we have an exam to ace tomorrow and we don't want you getting off track. " she said as I nod.

"But promise to help me figure all this out after the exam .. and get Laura to help us as well?" I said looking over to Denise who was now looking at the dates of each picture at the bottom of the pile of pictures I gave her.

" We sure do need all the help we can get , maybe you can get Kevin to help as well since you two now are dating ... i'll get Luca" she said looking at me now "I should've told you but Luca's my cousin sadly" I started laughing lightly " there's the happy side of Ashy!" she said jumping on the bed making me laugh more at her childish behaviour

"I feel sorry your related to that weirdo " I said laughing

Niall POV:

After greeting the fans outside the venue for 10 minutes ... we were told to walk straight inside and prepare out set up ... lighting and vocals. The days go really fast .. its been almost 1 week here in Mullingar - 2 more weeks until im off to the US for the next leg of the TMHT with the lads.  Only 2 more weeks till I probably wont see Ashley again.

I really hope she will get the grade she was told to aim for if she wanted to come on tour with me and the lads ... bonus it was her last year and if she passes her exam she will be graduating from University in January next year , which means I would have to find a time off to go celebrate with her on graduating ... I wish I could graduate with her but im in One Direction but I have hope for her in the exam tomorrow

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