10. I Had No Choice

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4 Days Later

I don't want to kill anyone. No one deserves to be killed.

I sat, waiting in the car. Jason sent me Austin to Zhang so I could do what he asked me.

I couldn't bring myself to even do such a thing. How can I kill my best friend? Austin now knew what the gun was for and didn't ask any questions.

He opened the car door and got in, starting the car.

He was silent, not saying much to me. It's easier for me at least... when he's not talking,  he's not getting any closer to winning that bet.

What's wrong with me? I shouldn't be thinking about that stupid bet. I'm being forced to kill my best friend.

I'm so selfish. I'm doing all of this because I want my old life back. A life without Andrea.

I can't believe it's what I want.

In reality, I kind of hated Andrea. She always forced me to let loose. She always wanted me to be like her.  Andrea was a drunken teenage mess. She always wanted to have fun and live for the moment. She was quite like Austin on the outside. She slept with guys occasionally but not as often as he did. She always forced me to do things I didn't want to do and got me in trouble a lot.

A lot of people wonder why I stayed.

I guess the only reason I stuck was because she understood me a lot. She was adopted as a child and grew up alone. Her parents died in a fire when she was a little girl. She had a brother who died in a gun shooting three short years after. She had no records of family, no one to turn to. I grew up with her through it.

She used to cry a lot about it. She was so alone.

But soon after she started to change. She became different and started to shut everyone out and became reckless.

I stayed only to try and break through. I loved her like she was my own sister, but I could slowly start to feel her slip away.

She became distant with me as well. Only hanging out with me during school or during one of her destructive parties when her adoptive parents weren't home.

I stayed so I could fix her. I care a lot about her, so the last thing I'd want to do is hurt her.

She's been through so much, and this is her way if coping.

Austin had been driving for a while and I could barely remember the way.

He pulled over to the side.

We were in the middle of no where.

"We're gonna have to get up and walk if we don't want to get caught. It's just down the road, lets go." He said getting out of the car.

I got out as well.

I trailed behind him, lost in my thoughts.

Why am I being so selfish? Why didn't I refuse?

I'd rather just go back to my perfect life and end hers.

How could someone be so cruel?

Maybe if I just explain to her why I need the bandana, she'll give it to me. But then again, she was apart of the group that tried to kill me. Maybe I can just get her to explain why she did it. Maybe Rick made her do it.

I had this disturbing feeling inside my stomach and chest. It was a horrible feeling. So many tears kept spilling out of my eyes and I don't think Austin noticed.  Not like he'd care anyways.

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