32. Liar Liar

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For AmeezyCM :)

"Who are the D.O.E? What do they do? Why do they want me and Austin?" I asked. Luke crumpled the wrapper of his fruit mix bar and threw it to the side.

"The D.O.E stands for The Domain of Eradication. The whole purpose of their group is to annihilate both XLX and Zhang. They were originally called DLX back in the early 90s. But they were such an underrated gang, people paid them no attention.  Not to mention they had a small number of members. Both Zhang and XLX quarreled with them very often but DLX was defeated every time." He began.

I nodded, taking in the new information.  I fiddled with my ripped shirt from when Brian had tried to have his way with me.

"Within a decade or so, after the bank robbery of 1997, DLX disappeared. No one really cared because they were such a weak gang which was often bullied by other gangs. Recently, they came back. This was near the time Jason's wife was murdered. They had changed their name to the D.O.E  and now have members all across the eastern coast of the US. A great number of townspeople joined the D.O.E. because they simply don't like XLX and Zhang, two of the most populated gangs on the eastern coast of the US. XLX has population of approximately 3,000 people. Due to the quarrel XLX had with Zhang when the headquarters was blown up by you and Austin, Zhang has roughly 2,000 now. The D.O.E has nearly 4,000 people. " He continued.

"What?! Why do they want me and Austin?" I asked.

"They want Austin because he's basically a fucking prodigy. He's the best sniper and fighter out there. He took out nearly half of the Zhang population people by leading a team of six fucking people. They want you because they know you're important to Austin and they know you were co-captain of that mission. Think of it this way- two people killed 1,000. Wouldn't you want those two people on your side?"

"I'm not special. If I was really all that mighty, I wouldn't have gotten captured and and put in this fucking basement. " I mumbled.

"So we figured if we got Austin, it'd be easier to defeat them. So thats why you're here. So we could lure him to us. Then we'll use both of you to destroy them." He explained.

"I have a better idea. Since XLX has 3,000 members and Zhang has like 2,000, just work together to defeat them. You'll out number them by like an extra 1,000 people. " I shrugged.

He stared at me. Long and hard. Almost as if I'd I said the most retarded thing known to man.

"What?" I asked.

"Its not that easy. XLX and Zhang still have tension. There's no way we'd all cooperate. Plus, so much has to be done. We'd have to get more weapons shipped and there'd have to be a plan. Members are scattered everywhere. Other members would need transportation to get here. And even if we did all of that, the D.O.E could expand into an even bigger group because of all the publicity on the news. And even worse, because of all the people, it's very possible for outsiders from the D.O.E to hear about our little plan against them. You have to think these things out Eliza." He said running his fingers through his hair and sighing heavily.

"And even more fucking worse, the government and the military could get involved and try to kill us all, including the D.O.E." He said. "And if the D.O.E has connections, they might get terrorists to assist them and everyone on the eastern coast could die. Or even more fucked up, the whole United States could be in in danger. Its just one problem after the next. "

Holy shit.

I didn't know it was that serious. But all these problems are on a list of 'what ifs'. There's a 50% chance that none of it will happen.

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