Back Again.

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I sat up on the small twin bed as I looked over to the other twin bed Nicole sat up straight. I sat up straighter. Then her. Then me. Then she started bouncing on the bed. Then I bounced bigger. Then she jumped off the bed onto the floor. Then I fell onto the floor we both stood up straight then I laughed she laughed harder. Boy could we make a competition out of anything. 

We had to leave the hotel after having that exciting morning. We got back to our boring high school. I walked through the double doors as the awkward smell of axe, perfume, sweaty guys, and zit cream overwhelmed me. I jumped as I felt a hand on my shoulder as I turned my head slightly I saw that it was Mack "So. How was that lame concert anyway? It must've been sad considering he doesn't know who you are." she swished her hair and walked off. I looked at the floor for a moment before taking a step forward before I was stopped by my crush Brandon "Why do you let her bring you down like that?" he asked before walking off. I thought about it for a minute before getting on my way to my English class.

Mr. Lunser was rambling on about our assignment. I lost focus when I got hit in the head by a paper airplane I looked around before unfolding it. I read over it as I felt my face tingle:

He doesn't like you! He's my boyfriend so stop it! He doesn't even know your name!

I looked around trying to see where it came from. No one was looking in my direction then I saw Brandon giving me a little smirk. Could it have possibly been from him? No. No it just couldn't. Nicole wouldn't do this to me plus she was in the office since it was her free period. I looked around to see Mack giving me a small little wave. I tried not to throw Moby Dick at her. "Skylar Hamilton!" uh. oh Mr. Lunser was now ticked off at me. I slumped down in my seat trying not to get noticed for the rest of class. Thank God that was my last class.

I made my way to the bus as Mack pulled up beside me in her cherry red Feria  "Sorry about earlier." she said making me stop in my tracks "But you know it's true. You shouldn't have any more crushes it never works out for you." I kept walking as she drove into this mud puddle next to me and 3. 2. 1. The mud went up from the ground and came up to me as I started to fall backwards. I closed my eyes and I felt something cover me and it wasn't mud. I opened my eyes it was a coat an under armor jacket to be exact. A hand was held out in front of my face as I took the hand and stood up brushing myself off I saw that the hand belonged to a now muddy Brandon. "Can I have my jacket back?" he asked nervously running a hand through his perfect blonde hair "Yeah" I nervously handed it back to him. 

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