Running Low

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I slowly opened my eyes and saw a bright light. I instantly thought of every doctor movie and thought to myself 'don't go into the light. Don't go into the light.' I fully opened my eyes and saw an officer sitting in a chair next to me "Good you're awake." the officer hopped up "Do I know you?" I shifted in the uncomfortable bed "Wait where am I?" I looked around seeing as that I was in a white room "I'm officer Pete and your in an hospital." the officer went to shake my hand but I didn't move "Do you know the man that you were with?" Officer Pete asked "Man? Was it Shawn, I went on a date with him." I asked the officer "The man was drunk and you were found in a ditch." the officer explained to me "Dad." I whispered "Who?" the officer asked "Dad. My dad." I repeated "Thanks for your corporation." Officer Pete said before leaving the room.
Seconds later my mum rushed in running to me and holding my head "I was so worried!" she said giving me a kiss on the forehead "You guys can come in." my mum called out and people walked in first Nicole, then Sarah, then Brandon which I just told him to get out. I started talking to Nicole then there was a knock on the door "He must've finally got past all the people." Nicole said while opening the door, but I didn't see anyone just a group of balloons then I saw who was behind the balloons a nurse. The nurse turned to walk out of the room, but instead she held the door open while there was a huge teddy bear coming through the door. The bear sat on the bed right next to me then it was laid down so I could see who brought it. I started crying when I saw that it was Shawn.
The doctors told me I could go home. I got into mum's car and went home. All I could do was sleep so that's what I did. I woke up to the sound of my phone going off. It was Shawn so I answered with a huge grin on my face. "Hello!" I said "Hey." he answered back "So I got bad news. For you.. For me.. For us." Shawn paused as my heart raced "What is it?" I tried to keep my voice straight and calm "I got to go on tour. To Japan." he says as I turn pale "O-oh. Th-that's okay. I'll be fine.. We'll be alright." my voice shaked while I tried to reassure him "Please no promises." he said before silence fell over the phone "I'm running low." I said trying not to cry "I'm sorry Sky, but I have to go." he said before we hung up.
I texted him there was just one thing I needed to know.
Me:  We still dating?
Shawn:  Dating? Of course Sky.
Me:  Okay :)
Shawn:  XOXO
Me:  :)
I was just so glad that we were still dating. If I didn't ask him now then I would have never asked.
I heard the door fly open. Then footsteps running upstairs. Next thing I know my bedroom door flies open. I turned on my bedside lamp in order to give the pitch black room some light. The dim light let me see that Nicole was walking to me "What are you doing?!" I whispered "My mom said I could sleep over here." she set up a sleeping bag "So?" I ask still uncertain about what was happening "So I'm sleeping over. Don't worry your mom said it was fine." she got in my face "Why did he leave you?" she whispered "Why did who leave me?" I shot up "Shawn." I raised my eyes brows "He's a singer and songwriter who has to do concerts." I laid back down and tried to fall asleep.
I slowly drifted off to sleep. Shawn and Camila Cabello started singing I Know What You Did Last Summer and got a standing ovation. The crowd of screaming girls seemed to swallow them. Paparazzi sprinted past me with their cameras one stopped "Hey didn't you used to date Shawn?" he asked taking my picture as the flash of the camera blinded me "Used to?" I answered and got a magazine thrown at me before he ran off. I walked over almost tripping over my numb legs and picked up the magazine. I read the cover story 'Shawn and Camilla dating?' I knew it wasn't real then they walk past "Shawn!" my face lit up "Babe who is that?" Camilla asked as Shawn turned to me "I don't know." my heart sank.
"Aaaaahhh!!!!!" I screamed "Oh my God! Are you okay Sky?" Nicole ran over to me and I simply said "No."

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