Bail Out?

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I just sat there with Nicole sitting and staring at me "I think it would be best if you left now." I tell her while I try to stand up "No way I can't just leave my best friend that just got out of the hospital." she threw her arm around me then my phone buzzed. We looked at each other then at my phone which was on the other side of my bed. I pulled her arm off of me as I turned towards my phone. She tried to push me back, but I pushed her away as I jumped onto my bed and did a summer-sault until I was now off of my bed. I looked Nicole right in the eyes before picking up the phone.
"Hello." I answered and then silence fell not only over the phone, but over my room; my whole house. The entire neighborhood. "Sky!" the voice on the other end rang out like a bullet piercing through a silent night and I imadiatly recognized the voice "Dad?" my thoughts were swimming in my head "I thought you were in jail. Again." I huffed as I listened closely "I get one phone call to see if I can get bailed out." he said as I slowly laid the phone on my bed. How did he remember me and why did he remember my phone number? Only one thing in mind was certain in that moment 'if that crazy man thought I would or even could bail him out then he was not only drunk; he was dreaming of something he knew couldn't and definitely would not happen.' I slowly reached down to my phone and hung up on dad then I turned to Nicole "My mum doesn't need to know about what just happened." I looked at her intisvely until she slowly nodded and then walk down to her house.
I looked down at my shaking hands. I tried to calm my breathing but I couldn't so I laid on my bed and covered my face with my pillow. Then my phone went off telling me that someone wanted to face time me. I scrambled to my feet to answer it "Hello?" I said more of a question than an answer "Sky! I'm so glad to see you!" it was Shawn I quickly fixed my hair trying to look like my heart wasn't tearing apart at the sight of him. "Shawn!" I exclaimed "Sky my concert was amazimg! You should've seen it. All of the girls were screaming." I cringed when he said girls I wasn't jealous I just don't like it when guys talk about other girls for some reason "Yeah I wish I could've been there." I said "I almost forgot isn't it almost time for your prom at your school?" he was right Shawn and I have been talking about prom for a while, but I didn't really feel like going anymore "Yeah it is. Why?" my stomach flipped while I asked the question then I looked at my clothes and realized that I was wearing the same clothes as I was wearing on my date with Shawn. "I need to show you something." he said right before hanging up "Maybe it was a glitch." I whispered to myself then the doorbellrang and I slowly walked down to the door singing the song that was stuck in my head Treat You Better "Cause I know I can treat you better!" I flew open the door and saw Shawn standing in my yard. He looked down then I glanced at the lawn and noticed rose petals; my eyes followed the petals as I saw Shawn surrounded by the rose petals and some tears started to form "So you can treat me better huh?" he said pulling me so that both of us were surrounded by the petals "Sorry." I shrugged "Don't be. You sing amazing." he said while bringing me in for a hug. I brushed my tears that were rolling off my face "Can I have the pleasure of taking a gorgeous young lady to her prom?" Shawn asked as I looked around me "Who? Are you taking someone else?" I asked grabbing his shoulders, standing on my tip toes and looked over his shoulders "I'm taking you!" he grabbed my shoulders while looking me in the eyes and at the exact same time a smile played on both of our lips before we let out our laughter and gave each other another hug.

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