Great News.

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I woke up and looked at my phone; Sunday. Great this weekend is just never ending isn't it. I lounged around until mum told me to go to the park. I went upstairs and got ready for the humid hot day ahead. I walked out to the park and sat on a bench. I really don't know why we call it a park all it is; is a place with beautiful grass, flowers, and trees. It's almost like a meadow, but it has a field goal and a soccer goal and several benches. A girl walked up to me and sat on the bench right beside me and after a few moments of staring at me and making me feel uncomfortable she said "Hey. Can you. Well, I don't want to be rude, but my boyfriend's coming soon." she said while moving a piece of her blonde hair to the side "And." I motioned for her to continue "Can you get off the bench and get away from here?" she said motioning for me to go away quickly "Sure." I walked off to a little spot where there was a tree and tulips going around the tree.

I sat under the tree looking at my phone. I heard a dog so I looked up and saw an Australian Sheperd. God that dog was so cute! I started petting him then I got hit in the head with a frisbee. "Ouch." I rubbed my head "Rover? Rover? Rover there you are! Sorry about the frisbee." it was a mans voice I looked up and saw the man. It was Blake the guy from the hotel. "Sky. You look outstanding." Blake moved a piece of my hair "Thanks Blake. But you couldn't be more original than Rover?" he laughed while I petted Rover. "Yeah I named him when I was ten." he said starting to pet Rover too "Ten? And now your. What 19?" I ask looking up from Rover "Yeah I'm 19." he said looking into my eyes "Your as old as Shawn then. Huh? Only one year older than me." I let out a little chuckle then got licked in the face by Rover "Yeah. Shawn and I met when we were ten." I let out a little chuckle while wiping my cheek from where Rover had licked me "My friend is dating this girl." Blake started "Good for him." I kept petting Rover "I set him up with her." Blake looked at me "You're starting to sound like my friend Nicole." I laughed "I was wondering if you would go with me so we could make it a double date." I stopped petting Rover "Uh. I mean. Uh." I looked into his brown eyes "It's tomorrow at the movies. We're gonna see The Space Between Us." I just looked at him "What time are you going to pick me up?" I said petting Rover "Where do you live?" he asked as I pointed to my house which was just down the block "How does 8 sharp sound?" he asked standing up "See you tomorrow." I walked off and went to my house, because honestly that dog was so cute but my allergies to him were acting up.

I heard footsteps on the way back to my house. I looked around, but saw no one I started thinking it was my dad so I started running. I ran as hard as I could even though I was just a few feet away from my house. I threw open the door and slammed it right behind me "Honey what's the matter?" my mum asked as my heart was racing "Nothing. Someone was running behind me." I said then the door flew open pushing me out of the way I thought it was dad "Sky! Sky! Mrs. Hamilton where's Sky?" it was Nicole I should've known it was her since she always took a jog around the block about this time "Nicole honey. You just squashed her with the door." my mum told her as she slowly shut the door "Yikes. Sorry Sky." she grabbed my hand and ran upstairs "What's the matter?" I laughed while falling on my bed "I just received the biggest, no greatest, wait no best news ever!" she pulled me to my feet "What? What is it?" I asked while she pulled a letter from her pocket as she cleared her throat.

"I'm glad to inform you that Shawn Peter Raul Mendes is going to be preforming at your school on March 23!"

She announced she then started squealing and jumping up and down which caused me to start squealing and jumping up and down. I started to cry which made Nicole start to cry "Wow something must've really made you girls upset. Was it a guy?" my mum step into my room "No." I cried "Yes." Nicole cried and we looked at each other "Yes and no. Shawn's coming to our school." I kept crying "Oh. That's sweet. When's he coming?" a smile played on mum's lips "The 23rd of March." I wiped tears from my eyes "Well that's only a week away." she went downstairs while we cried and sent a text to everyone at our school telling them the great news. Everyone except Mack, Brandon and their posse.

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