Prom Fight

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I laughed on the outside, but on the inside I was crying so much I thought that I might actually do it and drown myself. I guess Nicole saw this from where she was 'hiding' and I saw her thin figure march off of the sidewalk over to Shawn and me. "I will hunt you down. Just you wait!" Nicole grabbed Shawn by his tux in his chest area so that he was standing. "Nicole! He didn't do anything." I put my arm around her as she very slowly let go of Shawn leaving him to fix semi wrinkled tux. "That's right it's not Shawn's fault that-" I turned to see Mack and Shawn shaking his arms in an x motion "That he just came here to break up with you." Mack said leaning against the brick wall "What?!" Nicole grabbed him making his feet come off the ground for such a short girl she sure was strong. She pulled her arm back getting ready to punch him "What?! Let me explain!" he covered his face with his hands "No!!" I grabbed Nicole's arm and helped Shawn down "Look I'm sorry, but I got to leave. I don't want to break up with you." Shawn said reaching out for me as I quickly pulled away "We can still keep in touch." he put his arm around my waist "Okay." I sheepishly smiled "But no promises. We won't keep our promises." I winked as a small tear ran down my cheek and Shawn quickly brushed it away. We walked into the gym passing Mack who had her mouth completely open.
We went in and danced the rest of the night away until I noticed that I had a little bit of freshly dropped chocolate on my dress "Excuse me Shawn. I'll be right back." I say walking past Nicole and heard her say "I'll be back. Okay? Okay." I walked into the bathroom and as soon as I walked in Nicole slammed the big metal door closed and locked it then she went over to every stall door and pushed them open making sure no one was there. Then she grabbed some dirty gym clothes from off the floor and put it by the vent that led into the boys bathroom "Nicole you didn't have to do that!" I said getting a wet paper towel "Yes, but I wanted to talk to you in private." Nicole said while shifting in her dress "What did you want to talk about?" I asked finally getting the chocolate off of my dress "We gotta talk about Shawn, Mack, and Brandon. Somehow they're tied together." she said pounding her fist on the counter "What do you mean?" I asked not comprehending what she was saying "Look I know that you've had a crush on Brandon forever." she rolled her eyes "Not forever! Just since the 2nd grade! And I don't have a crush on him!" I firmly stated "Whatever! But he's dating Mack then how does Shawn tie in?" Nicole said and then turned her attention to the door since there was girls talking about Shawn one of them said "Shawn is so hot, but Mack won't let anyone near him! But they aren't even dating!" Then another one with a very strong accent cut in "Didn't you know? Brandon and Mack are siblings and they are Shawn's cousins." my heart sank.
There was pounds on the door then one girl called out "I'm getting the Janitor!" Nicole ran to the door quickly unlocking it while repeating "Cool your jets! Just give me a minute." and with that she flew open the door. I just sat back down at our table then Shawn walked up to me saying "Hey! You ready to start dancing again?" but Nicole stepped in front of me cutting him off "Tu eres basurra! Tu, mentiroso! Tu vaca!" Nicole spoke Spanish whenever she got really ticked off "What?" Shawn said taking a step back "She said. And I quote. You are trash! You liar! You, cow!" I translated then I stepped up to Nicole and whispered "Cow? Seriously?" and she turned and she let out a little laugh "I forgot how to say pig in Spanish." she whispered back "How could you not tell me that you were related to Mack?" I yelled before realizing that everyone in the gym was staring "I forgot." he ran a hand through his hair "You forgot?" I scoffed "Plus Mack said that you guys were really close." he stepped towards me "Stay away from my friend! And yeah they are really close. Really close enemies!" She yelled almost spitting in his face "I really don't think we should talk about it right now." Shawn stepped towards me as I shrugged his hand off of my shoulder "Then we won't talk about it!" I picked up my gown and ran outside.

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