Out of a Horror Film

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I sat on a cold bench. I felt a cold hand touch my shoulder which made me jump slightly until I saw that it was Nicole "I'm so sorry that your prom turned out to be a bust." she said giving me a slight hug "I can't believe that I was so naive to think that a star like Shawn would ever love me. Let alone like me." I said in between sobs as my makeup started running and Nicole handed me a tissue "Thanks." I said dabbing my eyes.
"Is there anyone that can pick you up?" Nicole asked as we both looked through the windows of the gym from where we were sitting and saw Mack talking to Shawn "My cousin. Mike. He's in town and lives three blocks away from us." I looked down at the corsage that Shawn had gave me "My phone's dead so I'll go in and call Mike or your mum." Nicole went in the gym, but I couldn't sit still so I stood up and walked around.
I walked along the sidewalk that was by some evergreens. I moved my hand over the evergreens letting the warm breeze blow through my hair. I closed my eyes and slowly took in a deep breath. I slowly opened my eyes and saw something out of the corner of my eye. I turned toward the object and realized that it was a car. An old, rusty, white SUV. My gut instinct told me not to walked up to it, but I felt that I needed some adventure. I looked back towards the gym and saw Nicole typing numbers into a phone and Shawn standing beside her then I looked down to Nicole's other arm and noticed that she was holding onto the chest area of Shawn's tux.
I looked back to the SUV then back to Shawn then thought 'he doesn't love me. He was going to break up with me. I need an adventure!' The next thing I knew I was already at the SUV. No one was standing beside the SUV at least not in my view. I walked around the SUV, but no one was there. So I took a deep breath, picked my gown, and peered into the SUV'S windows. I was on tip toes in heels. Then a voice from behind me boomed "Skylar! What are you doing?!" I fell backwards twisting my ankle in the process "I'm s-s-sorry. I was just looking for something I lost." I said picking up my dress trying to get to my feet "What did you lose Skylar?" I didn't answer "Sky? Skylar Hamilton what did you lose?" I froze as the deep voice repeated my blood felt like ice and my heart sank before rapidly beating.
I slowly turned my head and with each inch my body moved my heart would beat faster. Thump, thump. Tha-thump, thump. Tha-thump, Tha-thump, Tha-thump, thump thump! I could tell from the voice that it was Male not Female. Then a huge hand was placed in front of my face, but I ignored it standing up fully on my own. I brushed off what was a beautiful dress and then dashed off, because I've seen too many horror films and police shows involving an old, rusty, white SUV just like that one and I didn't want anything to do with anything that came out of a horror film. I ran down the sidewalk almost tripping over the broken up concrete and I didn't stop when I got to the bench that I was sitting at. I got to the gym doors; I started pulling but the huge metal doors wouldn't budge. I turned my head to the direction in which I had been running and sure enough the man was walking to me his huge build of a body getting closer and closer. I turned back to the door and started pounding my fists repeativley on the door and screamed 'bloody murder' until finally the doors flew open and I ran inside while still looking behind me, I ran directly into someone in front of me causing me to fly back and land on my butt.
Nicole grabbed my hand and elbow helping me off of the ground "Are you okay Sky? You ran in here pretty fast." I heard Shawn ask which is who I ran into "White. SUV. Man. Woods. Knows. Name." I managed to get out in between my heavy breathing. "Man? Where?" Shawn asked before running outside "Can you say that again?" Nicole asked sitting me down in a chair "White. SUV. Man. Woods. Knows. Name." I repeated trying to catch my breath "So there is a man in the woods with a white SUV that knows your name?" Nicole asked getting a water bottle "Wait like one you find in a police show?" I slowly nodded "Hell I'm glad you got away and didn't do anything stupid." she said as I let out a slight chuckle and she rolled her eyes. "Mike's here." she said while flinging the doors to the gym open then looked side to side before pushing me out the doors in the direction to Mike's car. I looked around for Shawn but he was nowhere in sight and my stomach started to flip "Um. Where's Shawn? I-iis he- can you see him?" I asked stopped outside of Mike's red Suburban "Why does it matter? I thought you were done with that piece of trash." Nicole said trying to push me into the car "No. I didn't mean for that to happen. I still lik- love him." I corrected myself "I'm sure he's fine." Nicole stopped pushing me and her face got a saddened expression on it "He doesn't need you to worry about him. Let him go. Let it go!" I turned to see Mack walking up to us "Look Mack 'n' cheese we don't have time for Frozen references!" Nicole yelled as I laughed at the mention of Mack's old nickname. Then I was shuved into the terrible smelling Suburban.

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