Date Night

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I was sitting in my room with my hair curled into perfect spirals and my make up was done as natural as I could make it. Part of me wanted to make the other girl that was a part of the double date jealous, but the other part of me wanted to be as quiet and laid back as much as I could. I heard a knock at the door "She's right upstairs. Why don't you just sit on the love seat." mum told Blake "Skylar!" mum's voice boomed up the stairs. I walked down the stairs slowly making sure not to trip on anything. Blake stood up off of the love seat and just stared at me "You look so beautiful." he said so calmly as I let out a little chuckle "You act like we're going to prom." he looked so confused "You look like we should be going to prom." he chuckled holding out his hand.

We got into his car and took off to the movies. "Here we go." Blake said motioning for me to sit down as I took a seat next to a guy, but I couldn't even tell who it was since the theater was already dark. The Space Between Us played and I cried as I tried to hide my tears, but I didn't do that very well and the guy sitting next to me was nice enough to hand me a tissue "Thank you." I said in between sobs as the credits rolled down the screen and the lights started to come on "Let's go to Olive Garden." Blake said "We'll meet you at Olive Garden!" Blake waved to the guy that I was sitting beside during the movie. I had my back turned to him so he couldn't see my puffy eyes.

We pulled up into the Olive Garden parking lot as I applied more make up to make me look better. I looked at myself in the little mirror on the visor "You're already beautiful enough I don't know why you wear that." Blake said while a smile played on my lips as we got out of the car and found the table since the couple at the movies had beat us to Olive Garden. Blake sat down first then I sat down and for the first time I could see who the guy was that was in the movies with us. It was Shawn "Sky?" Shawn said while standing up and embracing me in a hug "Shawn! Thanks for not laughing at me during the movie." I said while sitting back in my seat "We all cry." he said while Blake and Shawn's date looked at us "So who's this?" I asked while putting salad on my plate  "Oh this is. Wait what did you say your name was again?" Shawn asked "Mackinzie, but my friends call me Mack." my eyes widened as I realized that it was Mack, but she was wearing a short blonde wig. She held out her hand with a smirk on her face "Why?" I asked not meaning for it to come out "Why what?" Shawn asked "I'm sorry." I said nervously fixing my hair "Are you okay?" Blake asked and I nervously nodded.

The meal was great. We started walking outside and I noticed that everyone in our group was wearing designer clothing except me. We got outside and I noticed some beautiful flowers and my nerves started acting up. My head went down and Blake grabbed Mack around the waist and pulled her backwards and Shawn stepped up to me. I started throwing up. Shawn very gently picked up all of my hair and pulled it out of the way. "Are you okay?" Blake asked Mack "Yeah she didn't get any of her nastiness on my designer clothing "Just tell me when your done." Shawn leaned forward and whispered in my ear "Blake can you take Mack home?" Shawn asked still holding my hair out of my way "Hey. I'll take you home. Okay?" Shawn whispered in my ear "I'm fine I said wiping my mouth." Shawn held my hand and lead me to his jeep and then helped me into his jeep.

"Are you okay?" he asked pulling out of the parking lot "Yes I'm fine. Thanks for not leaving me back there Shawn." I said "Your welcome." he said while a smile played on his lips "So why did you even go out with Mack?" I asked trying not to seem too nosy "Blake set me up with her, because his brother found her 'attractive'." Shawn rolled his eyes as I laughed a little bit "There's that wonderful smile of yours." Shawn said while I tried to cover up my smile with my hands "Wait. Brother? Blake has a brother?" I was still laughing from before "Yeah there twins actually. I think his name is Brandon." my heart sank and my expressions completely changed I guess Shawn could tell "What's the matter? Are you feeling queasy again?" Shawn asked "No. Brandon and Mack." I said trying to breathe "Brandon and Mack?" he asked and I could tell he was confused "They're dating. They try to make me look bad. Brandon gave me expired chocolates and a teddy bear that was meant for Mack. That was my Valentines day." I tried not to cry "I'm so sorry. I didn't know." Shawn said pulling into my driveway "I wish I would've known." Shawn said helping me out of his jeep and leading me to the door. He knocked on the door as we waited for mum to answer it he said "You're too beautiful to be single. Certainly not on Valentines day." his hazel/brown eyes staring into my hazel eyes then he gave me a kiss on the forehead. 

The door flew open "I'm so sorry." mum started then she saw me then Shawn "Wait this isn't the guy you left with." mum joked "He wasn't the person for me." I barely managed to get out "Mrs.Hamilton Sky wasn't feeling well when we left Olive Garden." Shawn said while gently pushing me into the house "Well who might you be?" mum asked moving to let me into the house "I'm Shawn." he said while I was just in the living room "Wait you mean Shawn? As in Shawn Mendes? The Canadian singer?" mum's eyes lit up while I was trying to guess the next thing to come out of either ones mouth "Yeah that's me." he let out a little chuckle "Sky has posters of you all over her room and the picture she took with you at your concert is her screensaver on her phone!" mum exclaimed as I heard Shawn chuckle "Mum!" I whined from the living room and she moved into the kitchen while I went to the door "Sorry about that Shawn." I said trying to chuckle "It's okay. I get it from all my fan's parents, but never from such a beautiful girl." Shawn ran a hand through his hair as I blushed probably so hard that you could see it from Mars, so I tried to cover it up with my hands, but Shawn grabbed my hands and pulled them from my face "Why cover such a beautiful face?" he said still holding my hands and I was still blushing "I'll see you soon." he said while placing my hands around him and his around me he whispered into my ear "Get well soon my darling." he said before walking off.

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