My... Valentine.

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I went home and started on my algebra homework. I heard a knock on the door, but I knew it wasn't my mum because she had told me this morning that she would be really late home from work. I started humming A Little Too Much as I started walking down the stairs and as I opened the door the last note came out so beautifully. A really great looking Brandon was at my door I brushed some of my hair out of my face. "H-Hi Brandon." I stuttered motioning for him to come in "No I'm fine." he said staying outside "So what do you? What are you doing here?" I asked pausing just for a moment "I just. I was wondering. Do you like hiking?" Brandon seemed to be as nervous as I was. "Yeah. I love hiking." I said "Let's go right now." he grabbed my hand "Right now?" I asked grabbing a plaid pull over as I pulled the door shut behind us "Let's be spontaneous!" he brought me up to his truck.

I had to find out why he came to my house all of a sudden, and yet he won't follow me on Instagram. I couldn't keep focused, his eyes although on the road made it feel like he was looking at me. "Sky I can feel you looking at me." he said as I looked at the floor of the car. "We're here." he pulled open my door and lead me down a little trail with a tiny beautiful stream running through it "Well that's beautiful." I said in awe at the amazing fact how great nature can be. "It's almost as beautiful as you." he says while helping me up onto a little ledge and pulling himself up the ledge. "So today is Valentines day?" he said more of a question than a statement "Oh. It is?" I completely forgot I was too busy having my head in my own business that I didn't notice what day it was. "Do you have anyone for today?" he asked while I was walking around taking in the breath taking view "No. But I thought you did. I mean don't you?" I stopped to turn to him "No. I don't." he said "So I got you this." he pulled out a box of chocolates and a stuffed bear.

I gave him a hug, but asked him if he could take me home realizing that my mum would be home soon. He took me home and dropped me off, but when he dropped me off he looked as if he was glad that I was going home. I walked into the door and I noticed a tag on the bear it had a tag saying who it was to it said to: Mack scribbled out then to: Skyler and from: Brandon. I mean come on! He didn't even spell my name right! Then I decided to look at the chocolate which I'm glad I did before I ate the chocolate inside. I had to hold back my lunch it was expired by two years. I went and threw it all in the trash then texted Nicole about it.

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