chapter 27

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Annie's pov:
"Hey, wake up!" Brennan said to me, shaking me awake. At that moment, I remembered my feelings. I slowly opened my eyes and said, "Did I sleep in?"

"Nope, everyone is still sleeping."

"Then what time is it?"


I just replied with an "okay" then went to my bed and went on my phone. I kept on looking up at Brennan and thinking about last night, then jumping back to when Katie caught us a few months back. I couldn't choose who I should tell first: Brennan or Katie. I kept it to myself for a little while but then told someone, and you will know who in a few minutes.

After everyone woke up, I sat with Katie on the couch and told her how she just slept on the couch the whole night. She just laughed at everything I said.

Me and Katie made trillers and did standing tucks and tried standing halfs, and ate breakfast.

"You've kinda been acting a little weird lately. Is everything okay?" Katie asked me, making me think back to what she said to me a few months ago.

~A few months ago~
"Annie, are you okay? You have been acting really weird for a long time now. You can tell me anything, and I won't tell anyone else, I promise. I won't get mad," Katie told me, knowing there was something wrong.

~Back on this time~
Those were the exact words that came out her mouth, and I was so close to getting caught with Brennan at that time.

"Uh... come here," I said, getting up and going to walk into our room. I closed the door and locked it when we entered the room.

"Okay, so you pro.."

The bathroom door opened and Brennan walked in. "Hey..." we both awkwardly said.

(k- katie talking)
b- Hey.
k- Uh... Annie?
a- Yeah Katie? laughs*
b- What's going on guys? *laughs*
k- Can you get out please Brennan?
b- Yeah, I guess so... *walks out*
k- What were you saying Annie?
a- Uhh... *thinks* ... oh yeah! Promise me you will never, ever, bring this up to anyone else?
k- Yes, 110%.
a- Okay... *whispers in Katie's ear* I think I have feelings... for Brennan again.
k- Oh...
a- Are you mad? *scared that I made her mad*
k- Uh, I guess... kinda, because I didn't want to go through you and Brennan's secrets and you not telling me anything again.
a- *gets up from the bed* You know that I'm sorry about what happened! Why do you have to bring it up all the time!
k- Okay first of all, I've never brought it up till now. And second of all, I wasn't gon... *gets interrupted*
a- Just don't make up things to say to make me think it's okay... I will not like Brennan... because you don't want me to.
k- But I'm not making up thin... *gets interrupted again*
a- Don't offend me, I know I did something wrong and you don't want me to like Brennan again.
k- Can you stop interrupting me?! Just go out with Brennan and care about him more than your best friend!
a- I will always be your best friend! Never think that I will just stop being your friend because of a bo... *gets interrupted*
a- Omg if you won't let me talk, then just leave.
k- *leaves the room*

I started crying because I probably just lost my best friend.
(end of chapter)

an// yo idk what to write so just comment feedback and hope you enjoyed👍👍

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