chapter 9

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Annie's pov:
Me and Katie walked to her house right after school since she lives really close to my school. If you're wondering where Brennan was, he was with his friends, behind us. He was having a group of people come over since it's Friday and since that we have a week off from school. Our project is due on the day after we come back from break.

When we got to Katie's house, we went to work right away in her room. I got an unexpected text from Brennan, and this was our conversation that started:
B: Brennan texting           A: Annie texting
B: Where are you girls?
A: in Katie's room. why?
B: Because I want to talk to you privately
(when Brennan said "privately", I felt like it was really important)
A: oh. but aren't you with your friends?
B: Yeah. But they are in the basement play COD. Make an excuse to go downstairs.
A: um, that will be hard. but okay, anything for you💕💞
B: love you❤

"Katie, I'm hungry. Can I go downstairs to get a snack?" I asked, hoping she won't come with me.

"That's fine. There is no food allowed up here, so go eat downstairs and I will work on the project," Katie said, then I went downstairs and closed her door behind me so she doesn't hear me and Brennan talking. I got down to the bottom of the steps and saw Brennan, waiting for me.

"Baby," Brennan whispered to me, then came close and kissed me on the lips. We have never done anything in a major room in the house that a lot of people go in. "Brennan, what's the matter?" I asked, with my arms around his waist and his arms leaning on my shoulders. "Do you know Henry, the kid that sits in front of us in french?" Brennan asked, still his voice almost tuneless. I thought to myself, "Oh, no" but I said out loud (but not really loud) "Yeah, why?"

"He is trying to expose 'us' and he saw..." He stopped talking when I started walking backwards into the kitchen because I heard someone walking upstairs from the basement. "Annie, I was talking to yo..."

"HEYEYEYEYEYEYEY BRO!" one of Brennan's friends said. Then a whole bunch of people came out of the basement and I just awkwardly walked to actually get a snack and quickly start eating, when something worse happened.

"How long does it take you to eat a bag of cheez-its," Katie laughed. Since she was here, I had to make pretend that I'm hungry. Behind Katie, I saw Brennan with all of his friends going into the living room. He mouthed the words, "I'm sorry," and he got pushed into the other room.

"Annie, are you okay? You have been acting really weird for a long time now. You can tell me anything, and I won't tell anyone else, I promise. I won't get mad," Katie told me, knowing there was something wrong. If you couldn't tell yet, I hate keeping secrets from people. I always get under pressure when someone rants like that about telling them something that I don't want to tell them.

"Annie, tell her. She even said to you, she won't get mad. But she can get mad, and you could get in a fight with Katie and maybe Brennan will..." I stopped thinking for a while until I thought the two words. "Hate you," I finished my sentence. We've have kept this secret for too long, and it's kind of getting out of hand. Everyone's gonna figure out someday. Words went through my mind as Katie kept on saying that I could tell her anything.

I could't keep it in. All the feelings of lying and lying and lying were all through me. Brennan was also not with me, so I didn't have him to calm me down. Katie had to see my five year old self.

"Awe, Annie," Katie said, trying to calm me down. "It's okay. It's okay. I'm sorry for putting so much pressure on you," Katie said, as I wiped my continuous tears on her shirt. "Too much," I repeated, "Too much."

"Too much pressure?" Katie asked, with a frown on her face. I picked my face up off of her sleeve and shook my head yes. Then, I put my hands on my face on her counter.
Brennan's pov: (when Katie and Annie were talking)

I heard it all. I heard Katie begging Annie to tel her what was going on. I prayed that Annie wouldn't say anything. Annie did cry because of the pressure, but at least she didn't say anything about us. I really wanted to go and calm Annie down. That's probably what she wanted, but I could not do anything. It would've given everything away. But I didn't care at this point.

I walked into the kitchen, acting like I was about to ask Katie a question. "Katie, can you d..." then I stopped when Katie said, "Leave, Brennan. This is not the right time."

"No, I am not leaving. It's okay Annie," I said, patting Annie on the back.

Katie's pov:
I was wondering why Brennan "accidentally" walked into the kitchen. Also, why Brennan was comforting Annie and that she wasn't bothered by him being here at all. I did wonder that in the past, but now I actually know why.

Annie's pov:
I actually felt a little better when Brennan came to comfort me. I thought to myself, "Oh, no. Brennan, our secret could be revealed!" but Katie wasn't saying anything. So we were good at that moment.

When I lifted my head up, it was all blurriness. I turned around to seeing Katie and Brennan, but Brennan walked away from where he was before that. Katie moved my hair out of my face and she said, "You don't know how sorry I am. I promise I will never put pressure on you again, okay?"

"Okay," I said, sniffling. "Can I tell you something in the other room?" I asked her. She shook her head yes, so we walked away from the kitchen counter. Brennan, in the corner of my eye, gave me the face of "We're screwed," but we weren't.

Me and Katie walked into the bathroom and I turned around to close and lock the door. "Okay, whatever I say in here, you never tell anyone. Right?" I asked Katie, because she could make the "we're screwed," thing actually exist. "Yes, I swear," she said. "Okay. Um, I like... Brennan," I said, hoping she won't get mad at me for liking her brother. "Omg, that's so cool!" Katie said, in excitement. "Why is that so exciting?" I asked, blushing a lot.

"Well, you sit next to your crush in french, and he..." then Katie drifted. "And he what?" I asked, still blushing for no reason. "Nothing, but ah!! You like my brother!" Katie yelled, smiling really big.

"Shhhh, you're being really loud," I said, putting my finger over her lip. "Whoops, I'm sorry about that," she said, still smiling.
(end of chapter)

an// they keep getting longer and longer😂😂 anyway, hope you enjoyed!!💘

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