chapter 4

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Annie's pov:
The next day, I ended up at Katie's house again. This time, me and Brennan bumped into each other when I was on my way to the bathroom. Me and Brennan locked eyes and couldn't stop staring at each other. His eyes made me get so blushy and nervous. But I didn't stop staring into them. Eventually, I felt myself moving closer to Brennan. I saw him moving closer also. We ended up being really close to each others faces and then we...

"ANNIE???? ARE YOU DEATH????!!! I AM TRYING TO TALK TO YOU!!" Katie yelled at me, startling me to death (not really to death) And no, it wasn't Sunday. It was a dreading Monday morning. "Woah, I'm sorry. I got caught in a daze," I said, trying to sound believable.

"Students, class. Please listen up," Miss Baker announced, with every eye in that class turned to the front. "You guys have a project that is due on May 23rd that is counted as a test grade." Everything else Miss Baker was not important, until she said, "Oh, yeah. You will be working with the person next to you for this project. Also, I better not see this project in this school until the due date." I was excited that Katie was my partner.

Not just because I could've been with someone worse and that she is my really close friend (we knew each other for 4 months at this point of the story), I was gonna be able to hang out with her more, so that means more Brennan!! I was so excited to start this project.

"Annie," Katie said, getting my attention. "I am having a few friends over on Friday and I was wondering if you can come," she continued, "If you come, you can sleep over and we can do our project that Saturday morning. How does that sound?"

"That sounds great! I have gym until 7:30, so I can come after gym. Okay?" I said, holding in all the excitement in me. "Yeah, that sounds good." Katie said, then the bell rung.
When I was away from Katie, I jumped up and down in excitement. I couldn't wait to see Brennan on Friday.

(Friday after gymnastics)
Annie's pov:
I could just think of Brennan on my way to Katie's house. I was excited, but scared, to see Brennan. But at least Katie and Brennan's friends were gonna be there, so it wouldn't be awkward.

"Okay, bye Annie. Love you," mom said, kissing me on the cheek. "Bye, mom," I said, closing the car door and running across the lawn to the door. I knocked on the door and Katie, again, answered the door quickly. I walked into loud noises from the basement, but Katie led me up to her room first.

I looked around her room, thinking why there was no other bags on her floor. "Is there anyone else sleeping over?" I asked. "Nope, just you," Katie answered, then she tugged on me to go downstairs. Me and her went downstairs to a bunch of "hi"'s and "hey"'s. Me and Katie sat down in the phone circle and I looked around at all of the people that were there.

"EVERYONE! SHUT UP!" Katie yelled, scaring almost everyone there. "We have two games that we can play: truth or dare and would you rather date," Katie said, then everyone started yelling both of the games. "RAISE YOUR HAND IF YOU WANT TO PLAY TRUTH OR DARE," Katie now screamed. A lot of hands came into the air, including mine. "Okay, since more than half of you people put your hands up, we are just gonna play truth or dare," Katie announced.

The game started with this kid named Jeremy, and then almost everyone else went until this other kid called Brennan's name.
(end of chapter)

an// I already have a plan of what is going to happen, and this is gonna get super juicy. hope ya enjoyed, once again!!💗💗

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