Chapter Fourteen

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Dan and Charlie had been dating for a little more than a week now.

The brown eyed boy has found Charlie very...protective and...intimidating.

Charlie was somehow taller than Dan and was noticeably more fit.

Charlie enjoyed being around Dan. All the time: asking what he was doing, forcibly cuddling him, and currently kissing Dan despite the smaller boy's desire to scroll through tumblr.

It had started with Charlie questioning him.

What he was on the computer for, who he was talking to.

And Dan didn't think he should tell him he was searching tumblr for shrekxdonkey yaoi. So he opened another tab and got on a quiz site he used somewhat frequently. Then he told Charlie he was looking through quizzes.

The made Charlie want to check Dan's screen out of curiosity. So he did, practically crawling over the boy sitting comfortably in his browsing position.

"Oh that's nice Danny."

Charlie takes a seat on Dan's lap in a straddle position, moving the computer to the side.

The smaller boy didn't bother complaining, he knew it'd make Charlie mad. So when the taller man's lips connected with his, he just let him continue, despite his distaste.

Charlie nibbled on Dan's pink, plump, slightly chapped lips and Dan accepted, letting Charlie's tongue enter, not bothering to battle for dominance.

"We should move in together baby." Charlie mumbled against Dan's lips, making the uncertain boy pull away for once.

"Charlie, no. I'm n-" The look Charlie was giving scared the brown haired boy, "I'm not ready..."

Charlie began kissing Dan's jaw, moving to his neck slowly, "Come on Dan, we already spend so much time together. Don't you want to move on from your old roommate? What better way than to start living with your boyfriend whom you love so much?"

Dan shivered as Charlie kissed his soft spot. Love? Dan didn't love Charlie, wait no.

Dan did love Charlie. He was helping Dan. He cared. He's Dan's boyfriend. So he loves him right?

"Yeah...yeah. You can move in. Your right..."

Charlie pulled away and got off Dan, leaving him a bit needy.

"Great, I'll go get my stuff. I'll be back, don't leave this house."

And with that, he's gone.

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