The Kidnapping

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It was Paris 1955. It was a nice sunny day in Paris, not a cloud in the sky. It was a special day for the Opera Populaire.  The Opera Populaire has been under construction for 5 years.
Now it will open again and showcase operas like it did before, but without the Opera Ghost.The Opera Ghost has been dead for years, or so the managers of the Opera Populaire thought.
"Look at all of these people bustling around either to work or to look after the kids, or just doing something with their pathetic lives." thought the Phantom. The Phantom hated seeing people so cheerful and taking for granted their happiness. While he the infamous Opera Ghost sits in his lair underneath the Opera House, hidden from the world for a secret he couldn't control.
Just as the Phantom was turning around from the little crack in the wall, he saw a yellow bus pull up to the Opera House. It was a yellow field trip bus, from the school of Theatre Arts. The Phantom shook his head in disgust. A field trip meant kids running, yelling and breaking things which meant he couldn't focus on his new Opera.
" As long as they don't go in Christine's dressing room. Well I better get some of the Opera done, before chaos happens,"thought the Phantom. Up at the surface a young girl named Dior got off the bus and looked at the Opera Populaire in awe. She has waited her entire life to go and see the Opera Populaire . Dior was eager to stay a week here. She fallowed her group to their tour guide.
Their tour guide was wearing a white skirt and her hair was tied in a bun. The tour guide smiled and waved for the kids to come over. " My name is Ms. Caroline. Now I know you all are excited to see the Opera House. I won't delay your excitement any longer. Just stay with me." Ms. Caroline opened the gold doors that led into the Opera House.
Dior's breath caught in her throat. The Opera House has wax marble floors, a huge ceiling and a grand staircase. Ms. Caroline showed the kids all around the Opera House, to the stage, box 5, the back of the stage, and where all the actors stayed. It was cool and all but there was one place Dior really wanted to go in particular. "Now  I think we went everywhere. But is there any other place any of you want to go?"
"Christine's dressing room. Please monsieur."
"Of course. You go down the hall and take a left."
Dior nodded and ran off. It was her dream to be as good of an opera singer as Christine. Dior's feet led her to Christine's dressing room. Dior opened the door nervously. "What if the Phantom of the Opera is here? Stop thinking that Dior. He has been dead for years," thought Dior. Once the door was opened Dior stepped inside.
It was like the room hasn't been touched. Everything was still in order. Dior walked around the small room until she came to a mirror. As Dior looked at the mirror all of the candles went out. Then Dior heard a voice from the mirror singing "I am your angel of music. Come to me angel of music." Dior was scared. That couldn't be the Phantom. He was dead.
Then as if the Phantom heard the girls thoughts he stepped out of the darkness. Dior stood there in shock. The Phantom was alive! As Dior stood there the Phantom glared down at her. This was not his angle of music. Just a little school girl. Before Dior could do anything the Phantom grabbed her and covered her mouth with his gloved hand. "I better get rid of her before she causes any more damager," thought the Phantom.
Dior tried kicking but nothing seemed to work. Then Dior saw a gloved hand reaching for her throat. Dior was so scared. She tried to push his hand away but the Phantom was stronger. He did a pressure point on Dior and her world faded to black.

----------------------------------------------Hi I am new to writing fan fictions. This is my first one. I hope you all liked it and feel free to help me and to give me ideas. If you liked this chapter vote and comment.

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