Five days after the Shooting

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It has been five days since the shooting at the Masquerade Party. Erik was feeling a lot better. Dior watched as Erik played his piano. She missed hearing him play. Dior didn't mind caring for him but Erik had her worried for a while.
The sound of a grunt made Dior snap out of her thoughts. She watched as Erik struggled to get up. The wound under Erik's ribs didn't heal right and it's causing him trouble. Dior ran over and helped Erik up. Erik saw Dior coming and pushed her out of the way. He wanted to try to stand up by himself.
He took a deep breath and stood up. But after he was standing Erik felt a burning pain under his ribs. Erik gasped and sat back down quickly. Dior ran to Erik and said "Erik are you ok?"
"No I'm not. That stupid bullet wound hurts like hell,"growled Erik. Dior nodded and ran to fill a bucket with cold water. Erik was leaning on the piano out of breath.
"Those people are going to pay for what they did to the Phantom of the Opera,"thought Erik. He heard Dior's footsteps as she walked with a bucket of water. Dior knelt down and and put the wet wash cloth on Erik's wound. He grinned he's teeth in pain as the cloth make contact with his wound.
As Dior was holding the cloth in place Erik heard foot steps coming closer to his lair. He put a hand on Dior and said "I think someone is down here." Dior looked at Erik in shock. But she heard the footsteps too. Dior looked up at Erik to see his blue eyes burning with anger.
Dior turned around to see her two friends Sydney and Luke walking through the puddle in front of them. Dior wanted to say hi but she was interrupted by Erik
"Monsieurs I bed you welcome."
Sydney and Luke froze in their place and looked straight at the Opera Ghost. Dior say Erik moving towards them. Dior fallowed Erik. Sydney and Luke saw Dior walking to them. Luke said "Dior what are you doing with him? Come back with us."
Erik glared at Luke and laughed "What is she doing her? She's with me. Dior is my Angle of Music." Luke looked at Dior in shock.
"Dior is this really true?"
"Yes Luke it is true."
Sydney looks at Dior with a sad look on her face. But Luke's reaction was different. Luke ran and punched Erik below his ribs where the bullet wound was. Erik yelled in pain. Luke then tried to do it agin but this time Erik was ready. Erik grabbed Luke's hands and pinned him to a wall and growled "You will not take my Angle of Music away."
Erik let Luke's hands go. Luke walked over to Sydney and led her out of the Phantoms lair. He turned around and shook his head at Dior in discussed.
We finally get to meet two kids from the field trip. Erik is very protective in this chapter. Thanks for reading this far. Sorry if there is no picture. I couldn't find one to fit this chapter. I hope you all like it. Here are two really good fanfic writers. There names are motivator2325 and acchuck7. Go check them out.

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