The Name of a Phantom

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      Once the Phantom got to his lair he put Dior in a chair and waited for her to wake up. For a while the Phantom just stared at the girl. He thought his Christine came back to him.
     The Phantom was just about to give up until he heard a gasp. He turned around to see the girl looking at him. Dior couldn't believe her eyes. She was looking at the Phantom of the Opera. Dior couldn't believe he was still alive.
    Just as Dior was going to ask a question she heard people talking and walking their way. Dior tried to scream but the Phantom put a gloved hand on her mouth and pulled her into the shadows. About an hour later, the Phantom released Dior.
          " What are you doing with me? Why am I even here?"
        "You were in a private room for Christine only."
        "But why couldn't you have let me go back to my school group?"
       "You are too much like Christine."
      Dior couldn't believe what the Phantom just said, and pondered that thought. Dior does sing but not as well as Christine. What could the Phantom mean by you are too much like Christine?  The Phantom began to pace back and forth.
     "Why did I take a little rich school girl here? She's not like Christine," thought the Phantom.
      Dior decided to look around the Phantom's lair since no one lived long enough to come down here. Dior's eyes went straight to the piano sitting on the opposite side of the room. Dior didn't know that the Phantom could play. While the Phantom was pacing she thought this would be the perfect time to go and see the piano up close.
    The Phantom didn't even realize that Dior left her spot, because he was deep in thought. He shook his head and went to his piano not even realizing that Dior was behind him. The Phantom began to play a song, and Dior sang with it. That was when the Phantom turned around and said "You are quite a good singer for someone as young as you are."
     "Thank you. I take lessons."
Now that Dior was close to the Phantom she could notice his muscular frame. Why did she try to run away. The Phantom was stronger than her. Before Dior could control herself she asked, "What's your name?"
      The Phantom turned around and stood up. Why would she want to know his name? Probably so she could turn him into the police. Even if she did that he could just kill the police easily. The Phantom took a deep breath and said, "My name is Erik Destler."
Thank you all of my readers for reader this story. There will be another part coming soon. Feel free to give me advice.

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