After the performance

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After Dior sang she went right to her dressing room. She sat on a chair letting out a soft sigh. She didn't want to be with Luke any longer, she wanted to be with her angel of music with her by his side, all those years ago when Luke took her away from Erik, she desperately tried to go back to him but there was no way she was able to. Dior had a warm heart, she loved Erik for who he was, not because she felt bad for him because of his disfigurement but because of his kindness towards her. She loved her angel of music with all her heart no matter what happened, she wouldn't ever dream of leaving him for someone else, having Jack as their son she wanted to be happy with the man she truly loved from the beginning. She never wanted to be with Luke in the first place, she wanted to be with Erik, marry him and live a happy wonderful life together with their son Jack. Luke would never be a caring father as much as Erik would. Dior sighed softly and said to herself in her thoughts "If only I could just.. Reverse time, then I would be with Erik and live a happy life. I will always love my angel of music, I wouldn't ever dream of hurting him. I love Erik with all my heart." Dior lifted her head up to the sound of a knock on the door. "Who is it?" She asked
"Are you Ms. Changy?"
"Yes i am."
The stranger came in and handed Dior a watch. Dior played with the watch.
"What should i use this for?
"It can turn back time. If you want to be with your angel then press the button."
With that the stranger left. Dior look at the watch. "Turn back time. Yay right."
Dior looked at the watch again. "I do want to be with Erik. To feel his touch and to hear him sing."
Dior really wanted to be with her angel. So with her choice made she pressed the botton. As she went threw time she thought. "Ive past the point of no turning back."

Hey my readers. Im sorry i havent updated. I will be updating more often. Im wroking on this with one of my friends. I hope you all like it and listen Ramin Kirmello sing.

The Sacrifice to Love a Phantom ((Compleated/ Wattys2017))Where stories live. Discover now