The Masquerade

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     Erik and Dior watched as people were dancing to the song. Everyone was dressed with beautiful dress and masks everywhere. Erik had enough of watching everyone dance. So he took Dior by the arm and led her to the dance floor.
     Dior didn't realize how good of a dancer Erik was. It was an hour of dancing and Dior went to go get some punch. Erik came up behind her. Dior turned around and spilled some punch on Erik's costume.
     "Oh my gosh Erik! I'm so sorry!"
      "It's ok Dior. The punch blends in with my costume."
     Dior and Erik both giggled. Then Erik heard the song slow down and the lights dimmed. Erik took Dior's hand again. Once they reached the dance floor Erik pulled Dior close to him. They danced slowly sense the song was a slow dance song.
    Dior could feel Erik's grip tighten protectively around her. Dior didn't argue with this. She was glad that Erik was having a fun time. Dior looked around and noticed that the police where there.
    "I wonder why the police are here?"
    Then as if right as Dior thought that there was a loud bang. The police shot at something. But what? Then Dior felt Erik's grip tighten even more. She looked up at Erik and noticed that he got shot in his shoulder. Then there was another bang.
    Erik howled in pain as he fell to the floor. Dior ran over to him and saw Erik gripping his side under his ribs. Then the police started to run over to Erik. Dior was so scared. Then Erik jumped up, grabbed Dior and ran to the middle of the staircase. Then some how they disappeared under the Opera House.
      They were back in Erik's lair. Dior saw Erik on the ground. She ran to Erik. She noticed that he was gasping for air and gripping under his ribs. Dior knew what she had to do but didn't think Erik would agree.
    "Erik please, you need to get into a seating position so I can examine you."
   To Dior's luck Erik nodded his head and tried to get up in a sitting position. Erik closed his eyes tight. He was in so much pain. Once Erik sat against a wall he gasped for air. His lungs were tight and he could barely see. His vision was blurry. He could barely make out Dior's frame.
"Erik are you ok? What's wrong?"
Erik shook his head and blinked at Dior. He took a deep breath and said "The stupid police officer shot me in the shoulder and below my ribs. I can barely breath and my vision is blurry."
Erik took a deep breath in and felt a crack. He gasped as he heard his ribs crack. Dior looked at Erik. Erik's eyes where tearing up. Dior could notice how much pain he's in. She was afraid that Erik wouldn't survive if he didn't get care right now.
"There is one way you can help me but you must promise me no matter what I say you will obey me."
"Yes Erik. I'll do anything."
Erik slowly lifted his head to look at Dior.
"You must get hot water in that bucket and some tweezers. You must dip the tweezers in the water and remove the bullets."
Dior stared at Erik in shock. She couldn't believe what Erik was asking her to do. Dior wanted to help Erik but not to put him through so much pain. Erik saw Dior's expression and said"Please Dior. I'm in pain here. I don't think I can last any longer."
Dior nodded and went to go get the bucket. Once the tweezers where in her hand Dior walked over to Erik. She sat the bucket next to her. She removed Erik's shirt and gasped in shock. She couldn't believe how much blood there was. Erik looked at Dior and said "The hot water will make the tweezers go in easier."
Dior nodded and went to work. She dipped the tweezers in the hot water and tried to remove the bullet. Erik yelled in pain. His whole shoulder was burning inside and out. Dior finally found the bullet and removed it. Erik gasped for air. He prepared himself for this next turn. As Dior looked for the bullet Erik was grinding his teeth.
The second bullet was easier to remove then the first. After that Dior wrapped Erik's shoulder and his side. Dior looked at Erik. His eyes where still watering. Erik could tell that his vision was given out. He had one thing to say. Erik looked up at Dior and said "Christine didn't come back to me. But you are here. I love you with all my heart and you are and will always be my Angel of Music."
"Oh Erik. I will always love you."
Dior hugged Erik. Erik tried to hug her back. Then Erik kissed Dior. When Dior was kissing Erik she could feel his arms slowly drop to the ground. Then Dior and Erik looked at each other for the last time before Erik's world faded to black.
Oh snap. Will Erik survive the shooting or will Dior loose her Angle of Music forever? Sorry if this chapter is long. I had a lot of detail. Thanks for reading.

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