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  It was 20 years sence Diors death. Luke got arrested for 1rt dagree murder. Sydney is working at the Opera House. Gustave had grown up into a handsome young man.
   He got married and has a daughter. She was  named after Jacks mother.
   Erik recently had gotton really sick and had to leave the Opera House. It was hard for Jack to get Erik to leave. He got a piano for himself and for his father.
    Jack became a world wide known composer. His daughter loved to spend time with Erik. He would let her play and he would always tell her storys.
   "Tell me a story Grandpa."
   "Sorry Dior...but im not feeling like telling a story today...maybe next time."
   Erik started coughing. Jack walked in. He looked at his father.
   "Alright Dior. Its time to give Erik a break."
   Dior nodded and jumped off the bed. Jack looked at his father. Erik lifted his head weakly.
    "She is an amazing child."
    "Indeed she is. She has your smarts."
    Erik smiled. His eyes where clouded and Jack knew that he wouldnt live much longer. So Jack walked over to Erik and held his hand.
   "Im glad you became a composer."
   "I have you to thank."
   "You have a beautiful wife and not going to live am i?"
    Jack tried to fight the tears from rolling down his face. He couldnt muster any words. Jack just shook his head no.
   "Its alright. I lived longer than i thought. I love you son..."
   "I lov-I love you too.
   Jack looked at his father. Erik was looking up at the ceiling.
   "I can see...the light."
  "Dont be afraid father. Mother will be waiting for you."
   Jack griped his hand and Erik let out one last breath before his eyes closed and he went limp.
    Erik opened his eyes. He saw could see clouds and so much light. He stood there frightned.
   "Is this hell?"
   "No my angel. This is heaven."
   Erik looked to see Dior walking to him.
  Erik ran to her and huged her.
    "I missted you so much."
    "I missed you too."
  They both stood there and hugged each other for a long moment.
    "I thought with everything i did that i would go to hell."
   "There was a place for you here before i came up here."
   Erik looked at her. He couldnt belive he was in heaven. Dior took his hand and walked with him.
    "Dont be frightened Erik. Im here with you."
   Erik noded and walked with Dior. This shows that there was a place in heaven for the Phantom of the Opera. He will forever be with his angel and will wait for Jack.
    I really cried when i was writtinf this. I hope you like it. This story has come to an end.

The Sacrifice to Love a Phantom ((Compleated/ Wattys2017))Where stories live. Discover now