An apology

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Dior woke up with a big yawn. She forgot what happened the previous night. She got up , stretched and walked out of the room. Dior saw Erik at the piano writing vigorously.
Dior tried to tiptoe to get something to eat when she tripped over the broken candle holder. She fell with a bang. Once Erik heard the noise he turned around to see Dior on the floor.
Erik ran over to her. He examined Dior to make sure she didn't hurt herself. Once he made sure she was ok he lifted her off the ground. Dior looked at him embarrassed. Why did she have to fall right in front of him?
Dior thought that this would be the perfect time to apologize to Erik. She took a deep breath and said "Erik, I'm so sorry." Erik glared at her. His ice blue eyes made her freeze in her spot.
"Don't be sorry. I am the one who should be saying sorry to you. No one has ever done that to me every since..."
"Ever since what Erik?"
"Ever since Christine"
Erik looked at Dior. She did remind him so much of Christine. Her hair, her voice, how she looks at him, everything about Dior reminded him of Christine. He felt the feeling again. Was he attracted to Dior? "No I can't be attracted to her. I'm loyal to Christine and only to Christine," thought Erik.
Erik turned to see Dior with a worried look on her face. Erik realized that he had been holding his breath the entire time. Erik gasped for air. He always does that when he's thinking about a important topic.
"Erik are you ok?"
"I'm fine Dior. What do you want"
Erik said that more harshly then he intended. Why was this girl so interested in his business?
"I was just wondering why are you so interested in Christine?"
Erik couldn't believe what he heard. Why was he so interested in Christine? Maybe because he loved her, she had a great voice, and she treated him differently then anyone ever had.
"I guess if you are going to stay here, you should know the hole truth."
Thanks guys for reading. Sorry if this chapter is short. It's a school night and I'm tired. Don't be afraid to give me advice and don't forget to vote. I hope you all liked this chapter. Fallow me if not that's fine ☺️

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