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        It was a nice night at the Opera Populaire. Erik didn't have to threaten anyone witch was a surprise. Dior was cuddled next to Erik. He had his arms around Dior protectively. Dior laid her head on Erik's chest and fell asleep.
    Erik promised himself to stay up all night in case of any danger. He watched as Dior slept peacefully next to him. Erik's eyes began to drop as sleep was over taking him. Then in no time flat Erik was fast asleep.
    Erik woke up with a jump. Dior wasn't in his arms. As Erik got up he heard a click. He turned around to see Luke standing in his lair with a gun and Dior in his arm. Erik was boiling with anger. As he stepped forward Luke held the gun out.
     "Don't step any closer Phantom. Or Dior will die."
   Erik stopped dead in his tracks. He couldn't have Dior dead. But he could risk his life for Dior.
    "Please let her go," pleaded Erik
    "Dior is mine. She would never love a hideous monster like you" growled Luke
   This made Erik even angrier. Dior did love him. He knew it. Dior was his Angle of Music. Dior looked at Erik and said "Erik, no matter what happens I will always love you."
   Luke held Dior by the throat and said "Quiet Dior or I'll kill you." Erik was surprised. If Luke loved Dior then why is he threatening her?
   Erik took a deep breath and yelled "Free her! Do what you like but free her! Have you no pity?"
   Dior was amazed at Erik. He was copying the words that Raoul once said to Christine. Luke was taking a back.        
  Erik then said "I love her! Dose that mean nothing? I love her! Show some compassion!"
    This made Luke even angrier. He ran to Erik pulled off his mask and pushed Erik to the ground. Dior yelped in surprise as Erik fell to the ground. Luke laughed triumphed and said "Look at his face Dior. He is hideous."
  "You may see that Luke but what I see is not the Phantom of the Opera but I see a man who is a great composer and my to be husband."
    Erik looked at Dior in amazement. Did she really mean those words? While Luke just stood there Dior ran to Erik and helped him up. He turned and hugged Dior.
    "Did you really mean those words?"
      "I meant them with all my heart Erik."
   Dior touched Erik's deformed side of his face and kissed him. Erik held Dior and gave her a compassionate kiss. Then Erik felt Dior slipping form his arms. Erik saw Luke pulling Dior away. Erik ran to Dior when she said "Erik don't come after me. I'll see you soon I promise. I love you with all my heart my Phantom."
   Erik watched as Luke took Dior out of his lair. Erik sank to the ground and started to cry. Erik was left alone once again. But this time he won't give up hope.
I hoped you all liked this chapter. Thanks so much for reading this far. Sorry if I haven't updated in a while. There will be another chapter soon I promise.

The Sacrifice to Love a Phantom ((Compleated/ Wattys2017))Where stories live. Discover now