A days Plan

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   After breakfast Dior and Erik where sitting on the couch together. She was laying against Erik. Dior looked up at Erik. He was looking into the fireplace deep in thought.
   "Is everything ok angel?"
   "Im just worried about Jack. What if he is lost?"
    Dior could understand the worry in Eriks voice. She wondered the same thing.
    "He will be fine Erik."
    "I should go to conposing music."
    Erik got up and walked over to his piano. He started to play the song Dior sang at the consurt. Dior sang along with Erik. He turned around to look at Dior.
     "That was amazing."
     "I couldn't have done it without your piano playing."
     "Thank you Madam."
    Erik bows. Dior looks at him. "How could i forget his touch and his voice..."
     Dior looked at Erik. He had a worred look on his face.
     "Whats wrong my angel?"
      "I was talking and you were spacing out."
     "Sorry Erik. Now what where you saying?"
     "Do you want to take a horse ride?"
     "I would love too."
    Erik smiled and took Diors hand in his and lead her to his horse Ceaser. He was a black horse with a white dimond in his forhead. Erik gently stroked Ceasers head and went to get the saddel.
    The saddel was also black. Erik threw it on Ceaser. Erik hooked the mouth piece in Ceasers mouth.
     "This was the same horse that i brought you on to the boat."
    "I remember." Dior made a move to pet Ceaser. The horse reared up on its back legs and grunted. Erik got in front of the horse and calmed it down.
     "Sorry about that. He isnt this stuborn. You have to approtch him calmly."
      Erik grabed Diors hand and gently laid it on Ceasers head. Dior looked at the horse.
     "Im getting to see the side of the Phantom no one else sees. If only they could understand..." Dior thought.
      She looked at Erik. He was getting a couple of things ready. Once the saddle was snug around Ceasers waist Erik picked up Dior and sat her right infront. Then Erik climed on. He took the rains and kicked Ceaser.
     The horse jolted forward. Dior was amazed with the horses speed. Ceaser ran all the way outside of the Opera house. The sun was bright.
    Wind brushed against Diors face. She breathed in the fresh cool air. Erik saw how happy Dior was and made Ceaser go faster.
  They rode for a couple of hours when all of a sudden Ceaser reared up on his hind legs and Erik got thrown to the ground.
    Hey guys. I hope you like this chapter. Please comment and vote. Im thinking of ending this story soon sadley. What do you guys think?

The Sacrifice to Love a Phantom ((Compleated/ Wattys2017))Where stories live. Discover now