The Unmasking

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"Nice to meet you Erik," Dior smiled and held out her hand. Erik took her hand and shook it.
"Nice to meet you too Dior," replied Erik. He tried to smile but it was more of a smirk than a smile. Dior just stood there watching him. This made Erik uncomfortable. Why was she staring at him like that? There was a long silence.
Erik broke the silence by saying , "If you are wondering when your going back up to the surface, I'll tell you it's not anytime soon." Erik saw Dior's smile go to a frown. He needed her out of his way. Erik wanted to play on his piano but he couldn't, not with someone staring at him.
      "You probably should make your self at home since you're going to be staying for a while." Dior gave Erik a nod and went to her room. Now with that little nuisance out of the way Erik could finally play.
      Erik ran his fingers across the piano keys and played whatever came to mind. What he didn't realize was that Dior was standing behind him, listening to him play. "I wonder what's behind that mask he wears," wondered Dior.
She reached for his mask but Erik turned his head back and forth in the rhythm of his song. Dior reached again and pulled Erik's mask off. Dior gasped in shock and fear. " Thank goodness Erik's eyes are closed," thought Dior.
Erik hit the last note, and the sound rang across his lair. He opened his eyes slowly. Erik saw that his mask was off and saw Dior holding it with a look of fear on her face. Erik jumped up and pushed Dior to the ground.
Erik growled saying, "Darn you. You little viper! Now you can't ever be free!" Erik slammed a candle holder to the ground. He ran up to Dior and pulled his hand away from the deformed side of his face and yelled, "Is this what you wanted to see?"
Erik sank to the ground. He heard Dior cry and he felt bad. Dior has been so nice to him and now he scared her out of her mind."She should not have pulled off my mask," thought Erik. He saw Dior hold out his mask for him. Erik turned around and took his mask.
Erik put his mask on and stood up. Dior was still on the floor crying. He bent down and picked Dior up as she cried in his chest. Erik took her to his swan bed and laid her down. Dior fell asleep when Erik was holding her.
Erik watched Dior's chest rise and fall as she slept peacefully. What was this strange feeling deep inside his core? Erik ignored this feeling and walked out of the room. Once Dior wakes up Erik will tell her that he forgives her for pulling off his mask.

Thank you guys for reading! I really in joined making this chapter. I hope you all like it.

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