The Red Death

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It has been 5 months since Erik told Dior the truth. Now it was the day before the huge Masquerade party. Dior was looking frankly through Erik's lair to find a dress to wear. While Dior looks for a dress Erik watched her as Dior started to pull and fling dresses everywhere.
   Erik chuckled softly. Dior turned around and said "What's so funny? I don't see you looking for something to wear."
  "Well that's because I already have my outfit."
   "Well if you have your outfit can I see it?"
   Erik rolled his eyes. He stood up and walked to his costume rake. A couple minutes later Erik came out and was in a red costume. Erik's costume had a long cape and he wore a skeleton like mask. Dior couldn't believe her eyes.
     "Did you make that?"
     "No I did not. I owe the Opera House managers for this costume." Erik chuckled again. He remembers the time he stole this costume. Dior walked around to examine Erik's costume.
    "Are you going as something special?"
  "No. Just that I'm sometimes called the Red Death. So that's what I'm going as. Enough about me. Let's see if I can find you something to wear."
   Erik led Dior to another costume rake. Dior tried hard not to step on the back of Erik's cape but it was hard not to. Erik pointed at a chair for Dior to sit in. Dior sat down while Erik looked through the dresses to find the right one for Dior.
      It felt like hours when Erik pulled out a nice soft white dress. Dior looked at it. This dress was perfect. Dior ran up and hugged Erik. Then she quickly got off of him. Dior dared to look up at Erik. He was glaring down at her. To Dior he was more frightening in his Red Death costume.
  "Remember what I told you. You can't do stuff like that to me during the party. Come, let's find you a mask to wear."
   Erik pulled out a white mask for Dior. Dior took it and nodded gratefully to Erik and went to get ready. It was an hour and Dior still hasn't come out of the dressing room yet. Erik was about to knock when Dior finally came out.
    Erik looked at Dior in amazement. She looked so beautiful in that dress. Dior saw that Erik was looking at her and blushed. Erik walked over and gave Dior a kiss on the check. Dior saw that Erik looked nervous.
    "Your going more than to please me. Aren't you?"
"No I am going for you it's just that I haven't been to a party in a while."
  Dior realized that Erik was telling the truth. He has lived under the Opera House for years. No wonder he felt nervous going to a little Masquerade party.
  "Erik you'll be fine. Nothing is going to happen."
  Erik took a deep breath and said "You are right. We better get going."
   Erik put an arm around Dior and led her to the Masquerade party. But this party isn't what it seems.
Cliff hanger! I hope you guys liked this chapter. Thanks for reading this far!

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