Erik and Jack

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      Dior woke up with a shake. She looked around at her surroundings. Erik was standing in the shadows waiting for his Angle to wake up. Dior stood up slowly and said "Come out Erik. I know you are there."
     Erik quickly walked out of the shadows and towered over her. Dior ran and gave Erik a hug.
  "Oh Erik I missed you so much."
   Erik wanted to huge her back. To embrace her again. But he had matters to discuss with her. He pulled away from Dior and starred at her. Dior saw Erik's blue eyes burning with anger. He was giving her a Phantom of the Opera look.
   "How could you? I thought you loved me."
   "I do love you Erik."
   "You don't love me enough since you had a son with Luke." Erik spat Luke's name. He hasn't spoken about Luke ever since he took Dior away and it feels dirty on his tongue.
    "Oh Erik if you only knew the truth."
    "Tell me know! Did you or did you not have a son with that pathetic excuse for a man?!"
   Erik ran over and grabbed Dior's throat. He looked at her with a burning anger in his eyes. He hasn't felt this anger since he saw Christine kissing Raoul on the roof of the Opera Populaire.
   "Erik please-"
   "I want the truth right now in song."
   "Once apon another time you loved me yet left me alone but that not all you did. You left me with your son."
   "No it can't be."
   Erik let Dior go and staggered back. His son, he had a son. These words where all to good to be true. And yet... Erik looked at Dior. Dior started to cry. Erik didn't know what to do. Should he make Dior feel better or should he leave.
   "Please Erik, I was going to tell you. But Luke told me that we where leaving. Luke isn't the man I want."
  Erik turned around. Dior really did love him. Those 10 years isolation Erik had his doubts about Dior. But know he knew those doubts where false.
     "I haven't told Luke."
    "He must never know. He might kill you. I haven't forgotten what happened that night under the Opera Populaire. Be safe, keep the secret. Tell no one."
   "When will I see you again Erik?"
     "When you sing at the concert."
    Dior nodded and left. Erik returned to the shadows. He walked to his home. He didn't know that someone was fallowing him. Erik felt something gripping his arm. He turned around to see a young child. Could this be Jack, his son?
    "What are you doing you young man?"
   "Where are you going?" said Jack
   "I'm going back to Phantasma, my home."
  "Can I come?"
   "Why? It's a place of terror. It's not fit for a young child like you."
   "But I like strange things. I can see the beauty underneath."
    Erik looked down at Jack. "How could this child see the beauty underneath? I thought I was the only one who... I have to take him to my home." thought Erik.
    "You can come. If you please but you must stay with me."
    Jack nodded with excitement and fallowed Erik to Phantasma. Erik needed to see if this child could really see the beauty underneath or was he lying to him?
    88 reads. Thank you guys so much for reading this fanfic. I hope you all like it. I will be starting to make a How to Train your Dragon fanfic later today.

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