Love Never Dies

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   After the gunshot Erik saw Dior on the ground. He ran to Dior and pulled her close to him. Luck just stood there in shock. Jack ran to his mother.
   Dior looked up weakly at her son.
   "Jack...your father...your real father is right here."
    Erik looked at Jack. Jack looked up at Erik with fear.
    "Look with your heart and not with your eyes."
   Jack shook his head and ran off. Erik tried to call him back but Dior griped his hand. Erik pulled Dior close to him.
     "Your going to be alright Dior, just hang in there."
    "You look beautiful Erik."
    Erik was trying to fight the tears that were forming in his eyes. Dior took a shaky hand and held it to his unmasked side of his face.
   "Kiss last time."
  Erik sniffed and kissed Dior. He wasnt going to let his angel go, not now. Dior looked at Erik.
   "Take care of Jack...dont loose yourself to the Phantom...ill always miss you my angel."
  Dior went limp. Erik looked at her and cried "No!"
   He held Dior up against his cheast and rocket back and forth. Luck walked over to Erik. Erik let out a growl.
   "You killed her. She did everything for you and you killed her."
    Luke looked at Erik with a sympathetic look.
    "Your lucky that I wont kill you right now."
    Luke walked over to Sydney and said "Come on. Lets leave this Phantom alone."
   Sydney shook her head and ran over to Dior. Erik was holding her protectivly. Jack walked over next and layed beside his mother. Erik took a hand and pated Jacks head.
    Then Erik laided Diors head down on the floor. He got up and walked to the lake. Erik looked at the water and fell on the floor crying again. Jack walked up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder.
    Erik turned around and sang "Love never dies. Love never falters. Once it has spoken love is yours. Love never dies. Love will continue."
    Erik opened his arms and Jack gave him a hug. Erik could feel tears form in his eyes. Then Jack did the unexpected. He pulled away from the hug and took Eriks mask off.
   Erik didnt flinch away. He looked at Jack. Jack put a hand against Eriks right side of his face.
   "I love you father..."
   "I love you too son."
  Erik and Jack hugged for a while. "Where would you like to go?"
    "I want to stay here with you father."
    Erik noded and got up. He picked up Diors frame and said "I promised that i would protect him. I hope you find peace my angel."
   Erik gave Diors frame to Sydney. He looked at her and she noded. Then Sydney ran off. Erik turned to Jack.
   Jack had walked to the piano and cried softly. Erik walked over. Jack tried to hid his tears crom his father.
   Erik put a hand on Jacks shoulder.
    "You know what made me feel better in hard times?"
    "Music. I would play it until i felt better. Would you like to join me?"
   Jack noded and they began to sing together.

The Sacrifice to Love a Phantom ((Compleated/ Wattys2017))Where stories live. Discover now