The Truth

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Erik took a deep breath. He didn't want to tell Dior why he loved Christine but since he scared her out of her mind he owes Dior the truth. Erik said "You better have a seat. This story is going to take a while." Erik pulled a chair for him and Dior.
Erik took a deep breath and said"I was about 10 years old. I had recently escaped a gypsy show. Ever since I lived under the Opera Populaire. Then one night I heard a young voice sing. It was Christine. I meet with her and gave her lessons. Then our friendship turned into me loving her. Until..."
Erik's body started to shake. He hated telling this part of the story. Dior noticed that Erik was shaking. Dior got up and knelt beside Erik. She took one of his shaking hands in hers and said "Erik if you don't want to..."
Erik cut Dior off and said "Dior I owe you the truth and the truth I will tell."
Dior nodded and went back to her seat. Erik took a deep breath and continued the story.
"Until Raoul, Christine's other lover came and took her from me! Christine promised she would come back but she didn't! I can't believe I let Raoul take my Angle of Music away from me!"
Erik got up suddenly and pushed a candle holder to the ground. He then started to rip things off the walls and slammed things to the ground. Then Erik stood still and started to shake again. Dior thought she should leave Erik alone but she knew he needed somebody.
Dior ran up and put her arms around Erik for a hug. Erik jumped, he didn't expect Dior to hug him. He turned around to give Dior a proper hug. They pulled away from each other and Dior looked at Erik and said "Erik I'm so sorry. You must have felt so alone."
"Indeed, I did feel alone but now I have you."
Erik looked down at Dior. Before he could control himself he grabbed Dior and kissed her. Dior kissed him back. Erik pulled back. Why did he kiss Dior? He was loyal to Christine. But then Christine never came back to him. Dior will be his Angle of Music now.
Erik heard a thud and turned around. He saw Dior on the ground. Erik ran to her with a worried look on his face. "Great, I killed her." Erik felt Dior's pulse. She was alive just had fainted. Erik picked Dior up and carried her to his swan bed.
He laid her carefully down on his bed. Except this time he wasn't going to leave Dior. Was this the chance to right his wrongs? Erik began to hum a song The Music of the Night. He will never leave Dior. But a part of him will be loyal to Christine.
Hey guys. A little twist with the plot. Thanks for reading. I hope you like it. One of my good friends named motavater2325 writes books on Henry Danger. You should go check her out.

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