Back in her Angels Arms

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   Dior woke up to find herself cuddeled in Eriks arms. He was snoring. Dior realized that this was the day that Luke captured her.  Erik opened his eyes and yawned.
  "Good morning angel. How did you sleep?"
  "I slept fine darling."
  Erik noded and got up from the coach. He walked to his closet and took out a tux and put it on over his sleep shirt. Dior wondered if Erik knew about the time turner.
   She also wondered what happened to Jack. She looked at Erik. He was looking at the scar from the gunshot. She got up and wrapped her arms around his waist.
   "Are you feeling ok darling?"
  "Im just confused. One moment i was at Phantasma and the next im back under my lair of the Opera House."
  "What eles do you remember?"
   "I remember you telling me about Jack and how he is our son."
  Dior noded. "Would it make any sense if i told you that i turned back time?"
   Erik looked at Dior with a puzzeled look on his face. Dior decided to tell Erik the entire story.
   "So you wanted to be back with me so you took a watch from a stranger and turned back time?"
   Dior noded. Erik looked down at her. He was still a little confused but he got the general point. .
   "What about Jack?"
   "I have no idea."
   Erik pulled her closer to him. "We will find him. But know im happy to have you back."
   Dior looked up at Erik and said "Im happy to be in your arms again." Dior cried softly in Eriks chest. Erik gently rubed Diors back.
   Erik lifted her head up so she could look at him. He took a gloved finger and wiped tears from her eyes.
    "Its ok Dior. Im here and im not going anywhere."
   Dior noded. She missed his touch and his soothing musical voice.
   "Why dont i make some breakfest?"
   "That sounds delitful."
   Dior walked out of the room and into the kitchen. Erik soon came out in his normal three piece suit.
   "Is Mr. Phantom already for the day?"
   "Your going to pay for that."
   "How are you going to do that?"
   Erik smirked as he walked over to Dior. She tried to run but Erik grabed her and started to tickel her.
   "Erik stop! Please!"
   "Not until you say im the best in the world."
   "Your the best in the entire world."
   Erik helped Dior up. They both headed into the kitchen to eat together again.
   Hey all my readers! Thank you all for reading this story. I really enjoy writting it and i hope you all enjoy reading it. Thank you so much for all the reads. 

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