Finding Jack

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   Erik and Dior where still in the woods. Dior is taking care of Ceaser while Erik is standing guard. They made a little camp for themselves. There was movement in the house.
    "Dior stay quiet."
   Erik grabed Dior by the mouth and pulled her into the bushes. Luck came out of the house. He walked over to his white horse and took off.
   Erik let go of Dior. She ran right into the house. Erik ran right after her. Dior knelt down near Jack. Erik walked over.
    "How is he?"
    "He will be fine."
    Erik looked at his son. Jack was bloody and pale.
     "What kind of man will do this to a child?"
   Erik looks at Dior. She was upset about something. He wrapped his arms around her. Dior cried in his chest. Erik gently rubbed her back. Jack opened his eyes a littel.
    "Its me sweatheart. Im here."
    " he...?"
    Jack looked up at Erik. Erik looked down at his son.
     "He is you-"
    "Im a friend. I am a very close friend of your mothers."
    Dior looked at Erik in confusion. Erik looked back meeting her gaze. Dior turned back to Jack and put a hand on his head.
    "We are going to get you out of here darling."
    There was noise outside. Erik ran to the window to see Luck coming to the door. Erik ran back and started to untie Jack.
     "Luck is on his way here. We have to get out of here."
    Erik handed Jack to Dior. They both ran out of the house and to Ceaser. Luck saw them go but said nothing.
   Erik jumped on Ceaser and pulled Dior up. Jack was tight around Diors arms. Erik kicked Ceaser with all of his might. Ceaser takes off running.
   Erik turns back. Dior was holding Jack tight. Erik turns back around and rases to the Opera House.
   Erik burst in the front doors on his horse. He didnt care if anyone saw him. He had to get Jack home. Ceaser ran to Christines dressing room and went back to the lair.
    Erik sat Jack down on his couch. Dior was still holding Jacks hand. Erik started to work on Jacks wounds.
    "He looks so much like me."
   "Yes he dose. He has your hair and everything."
    "But he has your eyes Angel."
     Dior blushesd. Erik wraped his strong arms around Dior. She started to cry in his chest. Erik pulled her closer.
    "Its ok Dior. I will protect you."
   Dior noded. Erik looked down at his angel. She has suffered to much.
    "Watch out Luck. I will be coming for you."

    I hope you guys like it. Sorry to say this story is slowly coming to an end. I really enjoyed writning this and i hope you all enjoyed it.

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