Fighting for Love

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    It had been a long day. Erik spent the entire day making sure Jack would live. Now he was curled up on the couch deep in sleep.
    Jack was in his arms. Erik was muttering in his sleep. Jack tightened his arms around Erik.
    Erik jolted awake. Jack woke up to. Erik looked around to see where Dior was.
    There it was again. Erik got up and sat Jack on the coach. Erik ran to where the sound was. He saw Luke with a gun pointed at Dior.
    "Let her go!"
    Luke turned around.
   "Aw Phantom. Where is my son!"
    "Im not letting you take him Luke! Dior is mine!"
    Erik ran to Luke and tackled him to the ground. Dior ran to Jack and held him close. Luke was on top of Erik. Erik tried to get Luke off of him. Luke ripted his mask off.
     Erik threw Luke off of him.
    "Dior take Jack out of here."
   "Im not leaving you Erik!"
   Luke threw Erik to the ground again.
    "Ive had enough of this! If you dont bring me my son then this Phantom will die!"
    Luke pointed the gun at Erik. Sydney ran downstairs and hugged Luke around the waist.
    "Luke please dont do this! Dior was our friend!"
    Luke kicket Sydney off of him. Jack looked at his father with a scared look on his face. Dior glared at him.
    "Luke how much destruction are you going to cause?"
   "Until you are mine." Luke growled.
   Erik looked at Luke.
    "Please father... Erik is a close friend..."
    "You mean a monster! He did nothing but ruen your mothers life!"
   Erik looked down ashamed.
    "I may have caused Dior a lot of pain. But she loves me. You will do nothing to change that."
   Luke griped the gun harder. Sydney looked at Erik in shock. Dior looked at Luke. Jack was trembeling in her arms.
    "You all are seeing the side of the Phantom that no one eles sees. Under all of that miss understood and hurt is a caring man."
     Dior looked at Erik. Erik met her gaze.
    "I love you my angel. With all my heart."
    "I love you too."
   Erik could barily talk. Luke pointed the gun at Erik. Erik looked up at  Luke. There was fear in Eriks eyes. Luke took ame at Erik.
   Dior ran infront of Luke. Then there was a bang and the room went silent.
Oh my gosh!! I so dont want to see what the ending is going to turn out! Thank you for all of the votes.

The Sacrifice to Love a Phantom ((Compleated/ Wattys2017))Where stories live. Discover now