An Enemy Returns

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    Erik falls off Ceaser. He lands on the ground with a thud. "Ceaser! What the hell was that!?"
   Ceaser gets on all fours. He walks over to Erik and chews on his hair. Erik just sits on the ground. Dior looks down at Erik.
    "Erik are you ok?"
    "Ill be fine. Thats strange. Ceaser rarly gets spooked by anything."
    Erik gets up and pets Ceaser. Dior was trying to figure a way down.
     "You stay on that horse."
    Erik takes the rain and walks with Ceaser. Erik looks around. They ended up in the woods.
    "Erik im scared."
    "Just stay calm and stay on Ceaser."
    Erik continues to walk into the woods. He didnt want to admit that his side was burning. Ceaser kept pulling away. Erik had to pull him along.
    The woods where really dence. Erik could hear faint voices. Ceaser was pulling harder.
     "Ceaser calm down! Dior are you doing ok?"
     "Im fine. Do you hear those voice?"
     "I do. Lets be quiet."
    Erik leads Ceaser to the sound of the voices. Ceaser grunts and pulls away. Erik pulls harder for Ceaser to keep noving.
    The voices become stronger. Dior gips Ceasers mane. Erik stops at a tree. He ties Ceaser to a branch and helps Dior down.
     "Lets go see whats going on. Remember to be silent."
    Erik silenty moves to the house. Dior kept stepping on twigs. Erik looked back at Dior.
    "Easy for you to move around silently."
     Erik let out a huff and picked Dior up. He quickly ran to the noise. Erik put Dior down. Erik looked at an abandone house. He went toward the window.
    Luck was in there with Jack chained up. Jack looked scared and Luck was drinking. Erik went away from the window and walked back to Dior.
     "Erik whats wrong?"
    "Luck is in there. He has Jack our son."
    Dior looked at Erik in fear. He looked back at her.
    "We need to go get him Erik!"
    "Dior calm down. We will wait until nightfall to get him back."
     Dior ran and huged Erik. Erik huged her back. He will stop at nothing to get his son back.
    I wonder what will happen to little Jack. I hope you like this chapter. As always please comment and vote.

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