10 long years

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It's been 10 years since Luke took Dior away. Now Erik is sitting at his piano writing a song. Once he was done Erik took the piece of paper in his hands. He looked over his work and crumbled it up. Then Erik stood up and song
"10 long years. Wasting my time on smoke and noise. In my mind I dream that you are there but wake holding nothing but the cold night air. I will hear you sing once more!"
Erik then sat at his piano and laid his head down on his arm. He felt something poking his arm. Erik turned around to see one of his henchmen standing in front of him looking and waiting to say something. Erik nodded to let his henchmen named Gus to speak.
"You will never believe what happened to day sir."
"Go one."
"Dior is returning to Paris to preform at this new place."
Erik nearly jumped out of his seat with the news. His long time of waiting is finally over. He glared down at Gus and said "Well what are we waiting for?"
Gus looked at Erik and said nervously "Well you see sir, Luke is with her too and they have a child."
Erik glared at Gus. Erik's eyes where burning with anger and this made Gus shiver. Erik hit his fists hard on the piano. "How dare she marry that pathetic excuse for a man! And have a child with him!"yelled Erik.
He didn't care. He was going to see Dior weather Luke was there or not. Erik looked at Gus and said "You are in charge with this place while I'm gone."
Gus nodded and Erik left without another word.
It was a nice night at the port. Dior, Luke and Jack got off the ship and waited for a ride. There came a carriage pulled by two black horses. Two people got off and opened the door to let the family in. Luke grumbled and hopped in. Dior just shook her head at her husband and got in. Jack got in and sat next to his mother.
Erik looked down at the carriage and song "I am your Angle of Music. Come to me Angle of Music." The carriage took off into the darkness and Erik quickly fallowed it. He was eager to see Dior again.
As the family got to the hotel Jack was begging for his father to play. Luke said angrily "That's enough Jack. The answer is no." Luke turned around and took a drink of beer. Dior was looking through the mail and pulled up a letter.
"Hey Luke. One of the managers wants to meet you at the hotel bar."
"Well Ben may lack words but he dose know how to treat a man."
With that Luke took his jacket and left. Dior walked over to Jack and told him to go to bed. While Jack was in bed the candles burned out and Erik walked into the room. Dior stood there shocked. Then she fainted.
Sorry for the really bad ending. This is starting to entire the sequel to Phantom of the Opera witch is Love Never Dies. I'm not using the same characters but kinda the same plot but different ending. Thanks for reading.

The Sacrifice to Love a Phantom ((Compleated/ Wattys2017))Where stories live. Discover now