Chapter 1: The sister of John Watson (EDITED)

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I take a deep breath in as I reach up and knock on the door in front of me. No less than a minute later, the door flies open to reveal my brother. Johns face changes from confusion to happiness in a split second, his body language letting him down as he shifts around.
Uncomfortable. But why?
"Mykala, what are you doing here?" He asks, letting me in as I start to feel rain hit my face. I pull my suitcase in behind me as he wraps me in a quick short hug.
"I don't feel like explaining right now. Do you mind if I stay with you for a bit before facing mum and dad?" I politely ask as I slowly remove my scarf from around my neck, running a hand through my wet hair.
"I am sure there is a spare room upstairs. Let me check, Mrs. Hudson!" He shouts, and a little old lady dressed in purple from head to toe comes bustling out towards us, fussing around and muttering to herself about not being a housekeeper.
"Yes dear, is this your girlfriend? She's very pretty. Better than the last one, " Mrs. Hudson states, my brothers face flushes pink as I let out a loud laugh at the thought of my brother sleeping around.
"Mrs Hudson, this is Mykala. My younger sister. By any chance do we have a spare bedroom she could stay in for a while, I will pay of course" John asks her, Mrs.Hudson turns to look at him, she pulls out a key and hands it over to me, patting my hand as she pulls away.
"Have it for free for as long as you need, I needed a girl to talk to. I can't carry on talking to these two boys forever. I'll go mad!" she says, my face twists with confusion, but nobody sees it as John leads me up the stairs carrying my suitcase as I carry my bag and other suitcase. We reach the small apartment unlocking it, I walk in, seeing it is really open with great furnishings with a fireplace, kitchen appliances, bed, wardrobe, sofa, and table.
"Well, this is yours for as long as you need it, come down to meet Sherlock in a bit," John says, I smile at him as he leaves the apartment, leaving the doors open. I sigh, placing all my belongings around the place, knowing I only have a few bits, but after I finish, I pull out my violin, starting to play a song.
"MRS. HUDSON, WHO IS PLAYING MY VIOLIN?!?" I hear someone shout from the ground floor, I stop playing putting it down on the sofa then walking out to the staircase looking down to try and catch a glimpse of the person yelling, ruining my wind down time.
"Nobody was playing your violin Sherlock! Mykala was playing a sweet song on hers, but nobody was playing yours. " I hear Mrs. Hudson shouted back from her own flat before walking out to greet the person who had just entered.
"Who on earth is Mykala!?!" The man, I am guessing, is Sherlock questions. I see the edge of his hands flail in the air in exaggeration as if he were a child telling a story.
"Johns sister Sherlock. She is living above you now, very nice girl, very pretty! Why don't you go introduce yourself, Sherlock? And be nice for heavens sake, " Mrs Hudson suggests, I hear a murmur of something and a pair of feet entering the flat below. I approach my kitchen to make a cup of tea, realising I don't have any shopping in I walk downstairs to Johns flat. As I walk down the steps, I hear John say something about me to his flatmate.
"Now Sherlock, my sister is like you in the terms she is smart and she can deduce people almost instantly, so take it easy on her because she will be mean if she has to" John says, I smirk, I immediately knock on their front door which is open and poking my head inside to see the two men.
"John? Do you have any tea, milk, and sugar?" I question after hearing a come in, I walk into the kitchen to find my brother standing opposite a very attractive tall man with curly hair and perfect eyes. Wow.
"So you must be Mykala! Nice to meet another army captain, " Sherlock states as if it was really smart to point that out, when in-fact it was obvious due to my posture.
"You must be Sherlock, the man who has 3 nicotine patches on his lower and upper right arm because you haven't been able to have one because John has been with you constantly, and you don't want him to know you have started again. Also if you were wondering where he hid his cigarettes John I would suggest his coat pocket or underneath the head in the fridge" I say quickly as John rushes out of the room in search of the cigarette packet. Sherlock looks shocked at me as I make this deduction as I watch John bring in the packet of cigarettes out of the fridge.
  "You said you had quit Sherlock! I give up! You were doing SO well!" John shouts fatherly at Sherlock. I smirk as Mrs. Hudson comes bustling into the room to see what the shouting is about.
"Mrs. Hudson, do you know where the tea and sugar are in here? These two aren't replying, " I state, Mrs. Hudson shakes her head at the two boys stood opposite each other. John takes out a cigarette and then crushes it in his hand, making my smile grow wider.
"Shall I just make you one love? You stay here. I will make you one, but only this once. I am your landlady, not your housekeeper, dear, " She states, and Sherlock smirks at this before walking off to the front room and slouching into the sofa. I sit down at the table as Mrs.Hudson hands me a cup of tea, I thank her before taking it into Johns front room following him and noticing lots of different items strewn around the place, from newspapers, books and even a gun lying on the sofa. I smirk, knowing this will probably happen to my flat.
"So, Mykala Johanna Watson, how was Australia?" Sherlock asks as I sit down in what I assumed was Johns chair, I smirk at his deduction skills, knowing we are both as good as each other. This could get interesting.
"Accent?" John questions as I smirk sipping my tea, poor John not knowing a lot, I will have to teach him. "No, her tan line and hair colour is semi-sun bleached, but yes, sort of the accent. Getting better, John, " Sherlock states, still looking me up and down, I would have thought he would have deduced me fully by now. Slacker.
"Australia was good, too sunny and many memories there. I'm glad to be in England again. Lots more interesting things happen here." I state, John looks between me and Sherlock obviously not liking the look Sherlock is giving me, and he coughs loudly, breaking the tension immediately.

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