Chapter 17 - And Worst Possible Scenario

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John and Mary got married a few months back, we found out Mary was having a baby and then we did the Magnussen case. The Magnussen case didn't exactly go well, I mean why else would I be standing at a run way which plans on jetting off my boyfriend and father of my children.

Well let me explain, it all happened after John had gotten back from his honey moon with Mary.


"Sherlock?!?" I shout angrily as I walk into ST.Bart's on my own, the kids at Mycrofts. I hear John shout a 'in here' so I turn into that room to see Molly slap Sherlock and to be honest he deserves it.

"Molly that's enough now" I sternly state as she goes to slap him again, I walk up to her putting a hand on her shoulder. She smiles at me before stepping away from Sherlock and I.

"Mykala, please let me explain" Sherlock smiles sadly down at me, I look down at the ground before looking back up at him.

"I should be so angry at you right now. Janine was at baker street. I know we have split for the sake of this STUPID case but why Janine?" I ask him in a hushed tone while the others stare at us, he smiles slightly down at me.

"She is his assistant. I am only using her, I love you and nobody else" Sherlock whispers down at me, I nod my head slightly.

"Time for the fake break?" Sherlock then asks me quietly, the others opted to stand in the hall way.

"Ok. HOW COULD YOU SHERLOCK?!? YOU BETRAYED MY TRUST! AGAIN?!? YOU KNOW WHAT SHERLOCK? DON'T EVEN BOTHER COME SEEING THE KIDS! We're done." I then shout at him before slapping him and walking out, making a few tears slide down my face as Molly then rushes up to me and wraps me in a hug leading me out of the hospital. She sits me in a cab which drives me home and as soon as I reach my flat I get out thank the driver and wipe my eyes clear of tears. Now I sit and wait.
A few days passed and before I knew it, there I was sitting at Sherlocks side while he lay unconcious from being shot. I smile at Janine as she enters the room, Sherlock had woken up a few minutes ago and I told her to come see him just so he knows never to take on a case like this again. I exit the room to see John sitting in a waiting chair, I tap his shoulder which wakes him from his sleep and he looks at me smiling widely.

"Janine is in there but he woke a few minutes ago, will probably fall asleep after she has said something. I want to know who shot him" I smile slightly as I sit next to John who wraps me in a hug, he can tell I missed helping on cases and I have the kids at the Holmes' again as it is nearly Christmas time and their birthday is today

"I wish the kids were here so he could at least see them on their birthday" I state to John but as he goes to reply Janine walks out smiles sadly down at me before giving me a quick hug, we had been and still are good friends since Johns wedding. She then walks off and I walked back in to see him sleeping so I sit down in the chair and sleep as well. By morning, Sherlock had me help him escape hospital and get to the mystery spot and then we got John there as well to show him something. By the time we got to baker street, John knew that Mary wasn't who she said she was and then Sherlock was rushed back to hospital. Once he was released we went to his parents for Christmas, I smile as Mr Holmes reads the two kiddies a story while I walk past the living room and I walk out front to where Sherlock and Mycroft are standing talking to on another while smoking.

"I told you Mr.Holmes, you should stop smoking 20 a day" I smirk from behind them, I hadn't seen Mycroft in a while since I secured my job in the government.

"Well if it isn't Miss.Watson" Mycroft smiles at me, I walk up to him and give him a quick hug before pinching Sherlocks cigarette and taking a long drag of it.

"That isn't good for you Mykala give it back" Sherlock states trying to reach it I turn to my side and Sherlock tries to lean round and get it but I just hold it out of his reach as we both start to laugh. I then hear the front door open and we all turn around to see Mrs.Holmes looking suspicious at us.

"Are you three smoking?" She questions, Mycroft and I quickly say no but Sherlock quickly states Mykala did it. Their mum looks at us again but then heads back inside, I turn to the boys kissing Sherlocks cheek and patting Mycrofts back before heading back inside myself only to start feeling faint.

**end of flashback**

That is all I remember as when I finally woke up, I was told that Magnuseen had been shot by Sherlock and that he was being sent on a 6 month to life trip on the other side of the world.

"Sherlock. I will miss you so much, just promise me you will defy all of Mycrofts odds and come home in 6 months. If not for me, for the kids." I smile sadly up at him, Sherlock just smiles back at me and the connects his lips to mine making me smile a bit more.

"I love you Mykala Joanna Watson, Forever." Sherlock smiles at me before kissing me again.

"I love you too William Sherlock Scott Holmes and I always will" I then smile up at him connecting our lips for possibly the last time ever. Tears run down my face as Sherlock gets dragged away from me and onto the plane as I take steps back to John who wraps me in a tight hug.

"I'll miss him so much John. I can't lose him again" I cry into my brothers shoulder, he rubs my back comforting me as I hear the plane start up. Within a minute the plane is flying off and I look down at my phone to see a text from an unknown number.

'Come And Play.

I know you want to Mykala.


I gasp as I try to get Johns attention but he is looking at the screen in Mycrofts car of a video of Moriarty saying 'did you miss me?'. Mycroft is straight away on the phone as I stand next to him smiling happily as the plane turns around and flies back.

"What on EARTH is going on?!?" John asks frustrated and so I turn to him as the plane comes into view again.

"An east wind is coming" I smirk before turning back to face the plane as it lands back down, John looks confused as Mary quietly starts explaining everything to him.

That is how I came to stand at the airport with Sherlock Holmes, not saying goodbye in the end, as that was the worst possible scenario.

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