Chapter 21 - Promise? Promise

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Sherlocks POV

I didn't sleep last night. Not a wink. I sit in the living room reading the newspaper when Mykala comes down with the kids in their school uniform.

"Just dropping the kids off at school then I will be back to collect my stuff for work.See you later" Mykala states kissing my cheek before heading out of 221B and out onto the streets of London where she shoves the kids into the car before driving off. There she goes again. Always with the kids or at work. Never having enough time for anything. I reach into my pocket and pull put the black velvet box, I open it up to reveal the diamond ring. Sighing I shut the box back up and put it on the coffee table beside me before turning back to my newspaper to look for some cases while I wait for Moriarty to attack. Within 5 minutes, I hear Mykala enter again but rush into her flat, she then comes down to say goodbye.

"Bye Sherlock, see you later. Oh Mrs.H is picking the kids up as I am going to be home late tonight as we are going through the whole law. Just order some Chinese or something and put them to bed at 7pm. The washing also needs doing along with some general bits doing for the kids. Thanks Sherly see you later" She kisses my cheek and then goes to hug me but then stops when she looks at the coffee table. The ring.

"What is this Sherlock?" She asks picking it up, I go to reach for it but she leans out of reach before flipping the box undone and then looking at the ring inside.

"It is something I decided against giving. Give it back" I murmur then grab the box from her and shove it into my suit pocket.

"Decided against? What do you mean Sherlock?" Mykala questions me as I go to sit back down but she pulls me back up.

"You are always busy, always having to do work and you never have enough time for the kids and I, do you? So I didn't see the point in the thought any longer. Sentiment is stupid and nobody should have it. It makes us weak as humans." I state walking into the kitchen and setting up an experiment.

"Sherlock. I'm not always busy! It's just when you aren't busy I am. That's life. And if you did think that was sentiment than you are stupid. Even more stupid than I thought because if you asked I would say yes, if you asked me to do anything I would say yes. You know that Sherlock, you know that more than anyone and if you think for one second I don't care about you, don't say you don't think that because you are not the only person who deduce people Sherlock. I know you think that often, but I do care because I bloody love you, you big idiot!" Mykala shouts at me, I stand up quickly then turn to face her to see she has tears in her eyes, I lean down and wipe the tears from her eyes before kissing her cheeks then her lips.

"I love you too Mykala Watson.  However, I think Holmes would be a great last name. Please Marry Me?" I half beg my weaker side shining through, I need to sort myself out but not until everything is sorted.

"Of course I will marry you Sherlock" She smiles than leans up to kiss me once again.

A/N: THIS WAS THE LAST OFFICIAL CHAPTER!! WOO!! I will be doing a sequel and an Epilogue but that will only go up once I have some votes on this chapter along with some comments! The sequel will go up once I have a complete stroy here and then once I add some more chapters to my other stories, which willprobably be over the holidays!!
Stay safe this holiday season!!
ily all!!
~Mority xxxx

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