Chapter 13 - And What on Earth is going on?

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Once we have sat down for a while at the restaurant John, Mary and I start talking while the two kids sit there playing with each other. Mary gets up to go to the toilet with Boo and Joseph while I catch up with John about what has happened in a few months.

"So have you been well?" He asks me and I go to reply but then get interrupted by a waiter who offers John wine, without looking up he just says no and the guy walks away.

"I have been better John. I mean I am a 27 year old with twins and their dad died, but yes I have been well. You've put on weight though" I state picking up the menu to look at what I want tonight.

"I haven't put on weight Kala, anyway, you still working for Mycroft?" John then asks me as I then call back the waiter for some wine, I turn back to John as we wait for them.

"Yes I am, but from home until 4 months away when the kids go to school." I smile politely at my brother as he sits there nodding his head. I then hear the waiter beside us and so I tell them to go get some wine, and within 1 minute the waiter returns.

"This one is called a face from the past" A French accent states, I smile, Sherlock use to be good at a fake French accent. "A face from the past" The waiter says again, John turns to the waiter to accept but all I hear is a gasp.

"Hello John" I hear a completely different yet oh so familiar voice say, I slowly put down my menu then look up. There stood Sherlock Holmes in a waiters outfit and a fake moustache on, I look from John to Sherlock, who still hasn't noticed me, then back to John who is looking at me.

"Sherlock. You're not dead?" John states and I chose this point to step in so Sherlock realises I am there as well, considering I continuously had to hide from the paps in public.

"Sherlock?" I go to say confidently but it comes out as more of a squeak, as I stand up to face him. Sherlock turns to face me, tears streaming down my face and the fake moustache gone.

"Mykala? Why are you here with John?" Sherlock asks me as I stand there but then Jo and Boo come up to me to notice the tears from my eyes fall. They grab onto my leg as they then look at Sherlock who I am looking at sadly and angrily.

"Mummy, are you okay?" Boo asks me, I nod my head then crouch down to their height to talk to them.

"Mummy is fine Boo, now, sorry John, Mary, but it is getting late. The kids are getting tired, I'll see you both soon" I smile John nods at me understanding as Boo and Jo grab their coats and I slip my one on as well.

"Send me a text to let me know you got home safely." John states giving me a hug and then the twins who just laugh as he pulls a funny face at them once I give Mary a hug as well.

"Sherlock" I nod my head at him in conformation of the unasked question then bustle the kids out and into the car. Tears still streaming down my face and as soon as I get home I put Jo and Boo to bed before getting some blankets, sending John a text about him coming round to baby sit for a day tomorrow, I get bottle of wine and a glass along with some popcorn. I normally don't do this and I have only done it 6 times before and so I sit down on the sofa, curl up under the blanket and start watching chick flicks.

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