Chapter 20 - And The Revelation

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Dinners. The always reveal something to someone. Like the time I was out with my best friend Jen, which revealed that she was only my friend as she felt sorry for me. The time with John and Mary which revealed Sherlock living. I try not to go out for meals unless I absolutely have to, which in this case is because I sense that Sherlock will be grumpy for a long time.

"Boo. Jo. Behave please" I beg the two small children as we get out of the car at the restaurant.

"Yes mummy" They say in sync, Sherlock looks at me with an eyebrow raised in confusion. I shrug my shoulders then we all walk into the restaurant, Sherlocks hand on my lower back, the two kids walking in front of us as we reach the table John, Mary and Rosie are at.

"Mykala" John states standing up to hug me, I return the hug then grimace as I turn to face Sherlock. Who smirks at me and taking a seat at the head of the table, with me to his right and Jo to his left and Boo on my right.

"Why are you making me do this Sherlock? I am going to be in a panic the whole night..." I whisper harshly at Sherlock at John and Mary look at the menu.

"Well I thought it would be nice if we went out for once" Sherlock grumbles to me, I sigh before turning away from him. Grumpy Sherlock is the worst Sherlock.

Later that evening, once we had finished the main course, Sherlock and John disappear for a while leaving me with the two kids and Mary and baby. After a little while of silence Mary starts to talk about work and what I actually do now.

"Sh-Oh no! I just realised I have around 40 pages on a new law that I need to read by 8am tomorrow! Oh my god, can you tell Sherlock that I'm sorry and that I've gone home. Tell him to put the kids to bed as to not distract me, crap. I am so sorry Mary I have oo go" I state standing up quickly, kissing the children's heads and heading out of the restaurant towards my car which I quickly drive to Baker Street.

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