Chapter 5: And the girl who isnt in distress

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At the end of the night nobody has left and everyone is dancing happily. I sigh drumming my fingers on the table letting out a huge breath. Luke is off dancing along with Mitchell, John is dancing with a bridesmaid, Roz has ducked out early as she got called on a different mission and Sherlock is sitting next to me just as bored as I am.
"Bored Sherlock... No one has left the wedding, nobody is here that isn't meant to be and nothing interesting is happening, Can we either go home or kill someone?" I say turning to face him, I shrug the blue material onto my shoulder and Sherlock smirks.
"Go home, I will let John know" He states standing up and walking off, I get up as well then stand right outside the door. After 10 minutes I get agitated because Sherlock hasn't come outside yet, the door suddenly opens and I let out a large sigh of relief.
"At last Sherlock! What took-" I start exclaiming but I hear a gun cock and a warm hand wraps around my mouth. I try screaming but it comes out muffled, the man leads me down an alley way into a black van where I get knocked out.

I wake up in a old prison cell type room. Oh for god sakes, I am part of the case I was on, I have brown hair blue eyes and left a wedding early. Great. I look around and notice 4 other girls just younger than me, early 20s maybe? I stand up and I am surprised I can because any sensible person would tie us up. I sigh then turn to the youngest one I recognise as Amila Tanjadori, 19 years old been here a week, still in same clothes and hardly speaks English.
"Amila? I am Mykala, I was actually trying to find you before I got taken. Don't worry 2 man I know are going to come rescue us okay?" I speak in Hindi hoping that I spoke correctly, she nods her head still shaking, I wrap my arms around her, jesus christ how can someone take such an innocent person from her family, what have they done to deserve this. I stand up walking over to the door, I fumble with my hair bringing out a hair pin, I unlock it quietly knowing I can get us out later, I walk over to the oldest women.
"Hello, do you know if there are guards behind that door?" I question her, she just looks at me, yet another sweet innocent girl.
"No Miss, there isn't" She replies before I nod walking back to the door, I turn towards the others.
"I am going to get you all out of here, I promise but you must be ready because when I whistle I want you all to just hit kick and scratch anyone who comes in your way apart from each other, okay?" They all nod, I smile at them before turning out of the door, I creep slowly down the hall towards what I can see is the security office, I carry on walking then hear my phone go off from within the office, I hurry up then tap on the door lightly.
"Bonjour Monsieur?" I say and the man looks at me in confusion before noticing I have hit him with my heeled shoe. I run into the office before hitting another guy and grabbing my phone.
"Sherlock..." I sigh relieved after answering and seeing it is his number.
"Where are you, John wants to know..." Sherlock then asks some what politely.
"In a shut down police office around 20 minutes from the wedding, just down the river and hurry up I am blooming freezing..." I state then hang up before he can say anything, I whistle and after a few seconds the 4 women turn up smiling, I wrap in a hug before informing them of what we are doing.
I hear the padding off feet heading towards the office door, I cock the gun back and aim it at the door, in walks a guard that I shoot in the head. I quickly disable all cameras and send 3 shots into the floor. I peek round the door frame and notice the 4 women head towards the fire escape door, I smirk as I hear a heavy door shut so I turn back and grab another gun putting it on safety then hiding it in my thigh holster. I start out the corridors towards the main room where the captor would be. I enter the room and see... Luke?
"Luke?" I ask shocked, oh hell no. He cant have taken me, he isn't like that.
"Hello Mykala, how did you get out of my little trap?" He asks right before he crashes to the ground to reveal John stood there with a brick in hand. I rush over and hug John before he hugs me back, Sherlock strides into the room and just looks at both of us.
"Can we have this reunion later, we have to get out of here, I don't want to deal with the police" He says as he ties Luke up to a chair just in case, I sigh looking back at my ex one last time before walking out and down the road, John and Sherlock following me.

A/N: Hey so I didn't update this weekend but I updated today!! It isn't a very thrilling chapter because I don't really like writing my own cases, I will probably use transcripts next time!! Ily all xxxxx Up to 4 votes and I will update again xx

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